iPhone app for ping test gold/silver coins

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Fly on the Wall
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Maybe some of you would be interested in my new project of an iPhone (iPad) app for testing gold/silver coins. In this moment my app can test 1oz Krugerrand and 1oz silver Maple Leaf.

I have a few free promo codes to share with you. Let me know on Private Message that you are willing to test the CoinTrust app.

Here is a short tutorial movie how it works:

I would appreciate any comments/feedback from you.
Hi Pejotl, welcome to the forum. :wave:

We have a member here that started working on something similar:


Will you be expanding the range of coins that can be tested?

It's nice to be here :wave:

Regarding your question, yes, my goal is to deliver as many "coins' patterns", as it possible (you will find a raw schedule here: http://www.cointrustapp.com/en/coins_bars.php) and I already have a few Silver Eagles in my lab. After Maloney's last warning against high quality fake Silver Eagles, this coin is my top priority.

However next coin will be Russian 10 Roubles 1899, very interesting coin, which used to be very often counterfeited (debasement of a few % of gold, from .900 to .823). This coin is very difficult for verification with a weight and caliper.

By the way, if anyone reading this post is a victim of the fraud and has such a fake Silver Eagle, I would buy two coins from him. $.02 (contact through the website: cointrustapp.com)

will you be working on an android app as well once this one is established? im willing to test an andoid app :)
Same here - not an iDevice in the place. I'd guess you'd have to play a few calibration games as no two androids have quite the same mic response as one another.
(or, laptops or desktops, this idea should work on all if well done, at least as well as it's possible to work)
Same here - not an iDevice in the place. I'd guess you'd have to play a few calibration games as no two androids have quite the same mic response as one another.
(or, laptops or desktops, this idea should work on all if well done, at least as well as it's possible to work)

I hope we will finish Android version within one month. (it is 80% ready).

I will think about some kind of calibration. However according to my tests (with various microphones and devices), characteristic frequencies are always clearly "visible" on the sound spectrum.

BUT some cheap Android devices have very poor quality microphone which has small frequency range and simply can not "hear" higher tones. And this is a problem. Probably it will be impossible to make this test on a cheap phone.

I saw a video recently of a Silver Eagle 1 oz app like that for Android, I will look around to see if I can find it. It measure the "ringing" frequencies of the Eagle when struck, pretty decent-looking app.

Consider adding American Gold Eagles (one oz size), as I would guess that the Chinese are going to start serious fakery before too long.
I haven’t come across a coin testing method like this. This is relatively an easy way to test the coin without damaging it. Waiting to test some of my coins on the android version.
Pejotl, have you added any more testable coins to your app yet? Have you considered (if it is possible) including platinum and/or palladium coins?
Pejotl, have you added any more testable coins to your app yet? Have you considered (if it is possible) including platinum and/or palladium coins?

Thanks for asking.

In this moment American Silver Eagle passes through the final tests. silver Mexican Libertad, silver Vienner Filharmoniker and gold Maple Leaf are the next in the line.

Regarding platinum and palladium I was already thinking about it. It is possible to test these metals but first I'd like to provide the most popular gold/silver coins' patterns.
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