Counterfeited coins

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I watched a YouTube video the other night which showed the FIRST counterfeit 1 oz American Gold Eagles that I have seen. Highly recommended viewing:

The quality of Miss Liberty's face is not very good on the fakes (it's hard to get faces right, ask an artist).

And apparently the coins are plated tungsten, he did a version of the "ring test" showing no ring.
I'm sure the Secret Service will get right on that investigation (since AGEs are legal tender).
The quality of Miss Liberty's face is not very good on the fakes (it's hard to get faces right, ask an artist).

The quality of that dog's face is completely absent. She is a brown bagger, maybe two for certainty. I do not know what kind if women you see... but I do not drink and would need many for Ms. Liberty Dog.

If you are inferring quality is the matching of new to old coin... well.

If these woof face coon coins were not in US dollar dominated world economy, ranking would plummet like an Enron. Look at Britains fugly 1 oz sales for comparison.
"Rather poor Jeebs would you not say?"
"Why yes my Lord. Colony maples appear far more worthy of your holdings sire"
"Excuse me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?"
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