Yellow Jacket
Why? Up some $16 off its low in, what, 20 minutes? I'll go take a look at the Hedge and see if they have anything
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The fact that only gold is green today, whereas silver, platinum and palladium are red is a clear sign that this is a fear spike.
640 million oz were traded in 2 hours...
PGMs don't have the monetary component of gold and silver.Silver recovered quite nicely today. I wonder why platinum group metals are falling though.
That's true. But you won't believe me when I tell you that the CFTC actually prosecuted platinum and palladium manipulation. They charged a trader for "banging the close", something that's happening at least once a week in silver:, the platinum group metals can be manipulated so much easier since their market is tiny compared to gold and silver, so a little bitty paper attack can have a huge and amplified response.