Gold Sellers In Houston Must Submit To Fingerprints and Mugshots

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Anybody selling gold to me would not have to put up with such invasive BS. Show me the gold, I'll show you the cash...

Here where I live, if you sell more than $50 to the local coin shop, you just have to show ID. But, if you never sell.........


FOFOA's new article is excellent! "Think Like a Giant, Part Two"
Wow. Houston City Council jumped the shark. I wonder if my LCS is inside the Houston city limit. I know it's close to the boundary. May have to call them up and chat.
That is going to cost them a lot of business.

Just head over to Austin, San Antonio or DFW to unload your coins..
Wow. As they say criminals aren't going to submit to mugshot and figerprints they'll just sell stuff somewhere else. So the reasons for doing this are so sick.

You can sell stuff somewhere else for now but pretty soon this could be the standard?
In Texas?!?!? Wow! I thought Texas would be the last place on earth to do something this monumentally stupid. This will have some nasty unintended consequences for sure. Who in their right mind would want to get prints and a mug shot just to buy a nice engagement ring for their sweetheart?

The absurdity of it all is truly breathtaking.
FYI - Houston City Council is full of the geniuses that voted to approve a several million dollar contract for red light cameras that they later had to break due to public demand and ended up costing the city millions in settlement fees (to the red light camera operating company):

Seems like Helena Brown may be the only member of the council with a brain.
...the amount of information, showing clearly, day in, day out, how far US of A has wandered off it's founding principles, of personal freedom, property rights, etc, and how deep into omnipotent, all-controlling, totalitarian mindset it have descended, is mind boggling. It is a sad, sad thing to comprehend.

Honestly, even here in this fecking socialistic EU, it seems, that apart from extensive taxation and over-regulation, states are nowhere as intrusive (and clearly, paranoid), as the local & Federal Govt of the US of A.
FYI - Houston City Council is full of the geniuses that voted to approve a several million dollar contract for red light cameras that they later had to break due to public demand and ended up costing the city millions in settlement fees (to the red light camera operating company)

eeerrrr ........

is that the 'red light district' or traffic light cameras ?

either way I can understand the backlash :rotflmbo:
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