My Top 3 Gold Books

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Here are my favourite gold books:
1.) Gold Wars - Ferdinand Lips

Summary by ( ):
Gold Wars deals with gold’s history, the gold rushes and the abandonment of gold-as-money under the modern welfare/warfare state. It shows how governments, fearing the affinity of free people for gold, fight it, thereby helping to destroy whole countries along with the gold mining industry. The book highlights the betrayal of gold-rich Switzerland. The author condemns gold “hedging,” gold market manipulation by governments and bullion banks, fiat money and debt. He concludes that only a gold standard can return an ailing world economy to its full potential, reduce unemployment, help restore law and order, and help to secure peace and freedom for mankind.
Book as PDF: Wars 0-9710380-0-7 - 01.21.02.pdf
2.) The case for gold - Ron Paul / Lewis Lehrman

The book covers the history of gold in the United States, explains that its breakdown was caused by governments, and explains the merit of having sound money: prices reflect market realities, government stays in check, and the people retain their freedom. It still holds up as an excellent blueprint for moving beyond paper money and into the age of sound money. In particular, Ron favors complete monetary freedom to use any commodity as money, to make contracts in any money, and an end to the monopolization and printing power of the Federal Reserve.
Books as PDF:
3.) Secrect Gold Politics - Dimitry Speck

This book is only available in German. A Chinese translation is under way.
The author provides an English summary of the book on his website, though.
Dimitri Speck’s book “Geheime Goldpolitik” (“Secret Gold Policy”) is about the managed gold price and about bubbles. It is currently only available in German, a Chinese edition will follow. Following the intensive research, the book contains over one hundred mainly unique figures.
The most important part of the book imho, is his statistical proof of price manipulation arround the London PM fixing (10 am ET):

Other great charts can be found on his website:
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Great links, swissaustrian! The first two were already on my reading list, haven't read them yet, but have heard great things. Highly recommended.
GATA is trying to help getting the third book in the op "Geheime Goldpolitik" translated into English:
Help put 'Secret Gold Policy' into an English edition
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2012-11-09 18:03. Section: Daily Dispatches

1p ET Friday, November 9, 2012

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our consultant Dimitri Speck, author of the German-language expose of the Western central bank gold price suppression scheme, "Geheime Goldpolitik" ("Secret Gold Policy"), has secured a publishing house to put the book into English and market it in the English-speaking world. But Speck needs to raise about $8,000 for translation, updating, and data. Since putting "Geheime Goldpolitik" into English likely will strike a major blow against the gold price suppression scheme, GATA has pledged $1,000 toward the translation and associated costs and will accept and forward contributions for that purpose from our supporters.

"Geheime Goldpolitik" is described here in German --

-- and, in English, in an interview of Speck by GATA's friend the German financial journalist Lars Schall at YouTube here:

Those seeking to help get "Geheime Goldpolitik" into English should make donations to GATA in the usual way, for which information is here --

-- but should designate them clearly for the Speck Translation Project.

For donations by credit card, that designation can be done by sending an e-mail note to your secretary/treasurer at

For donations by check, a notation on the check or a separate note with it will do.

Getting "Geheime Goldpolitik" distributed in English should do much to stifle the sneers that gold price suppression is mere "conspiracy theory." Speck has documented how it is fact and policy. So thanks for considering helping us with this project.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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