... There was a report last Friday from a European media source that the Bank of England and the ECB were selling gold. They retracted that report yesterday but it turns out that is it half-true. It turns out that these two Central Banks were likely "leasing" gold out to member banks in order to enable these banks to raise much-need liquidity without having dump crap assets that have little or no bid. How do we know that the CB's were leasing gold? Take a look at the lease rates for gold, which can be found here: www.kitco.com You'll see that there are two distance downward spikes into negative territory. This indicates that Central Banks are making a large supply of gold available for lease to member banks. Imagine that, borrowing gold AND getting paid a small rate of interest to borrow that gold so you can sell it into the market place and use that money to pay your bills...
Today the lease rate for one month lease on gold went to negative 1/2%. In other words, the central bank pays the bullion bank to borrow gold. With cheap gold and silver (also negative lease rate) the bankers raided gold and silver. Most financial commentaries believe this action was to make the world seem to be in better shape if gold/silver was down as Europe is in a mess. I do not believe that this was the reason for today's raid. The real reason was the fact that Europe again after just two weeks of huge dollar swaps, have run out of dollars again. Collateral at the European banks are few and it seems the only "good" asset that they have is the gold that they have not already leased out. All other European gold that have been leased out has not been returned and thus remains as a short to the banks. The subsequent sale of the leased gold/silver raises the needed USA dollars.
More: http://harveyorgan.blogspot.com/2011/12/negative-lease-rates-continuegold-and.html
Do I get a cookie now?