I didn't mention it in the total perspective vortex thread, but Mexican billionaire Hugo Salinas Price has been lobbying the Mexican government for a while now to re-monetize silver. Last I had heard, he was optimistic that it was going to happen.
Hugo gave a presentation at GATA's conference in August laying out arguments for and against re-monetization of silver in the USA as a competing currency with FRNs:
Current News
More: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldn...inas_-_Gaddafi_Killed_Over_Gold_Currency.html
Mexico's central bank purchased almost 100 metric tons of gold in February and March, another signal that emerging markets are likely to steadily raise their gold reserve holdings, industry participants say.
The purchase--reported in the International Monetary Fund's statistics on international reserves--follows a shift in the gold market to net central bank buying, following years of official sector sales, and should be welcomed as a positive boost for the yellow metal, said Jonathan Spall, Director of Commodities Distribution at Barclays Capital.
Hugo Salinas Price continues:
“I think our central bank has done something prudent. It signals a difference of opinion with the Fed, and that is strange for our central bank that has always been in great cooperation with the US central bank. Most of our reserves, which are at the highest level they have ever been, are in dollars.
Some have commented, ‘Well where is the gold? Is it in a central bank receipt or is it in a central bank vault?’ It should be in the central bank vault. Is it a paper certificate or is it actual physical gold and if so where is it?
I wrote a letter and told him (Mexican central bank Governor Carstens) that I thought it was a good move in view of the chaos presently prevailing in the United States fiscal situation. I told him also that perhaps the central bank would take another look to monetize a silver ounce as a means of preserving popular savings from devaluation...That is what we are trying to do is to try to have the Mexican people have a lifeboat available in case of a severe crisis. It looks like it will happen.”
When asked about how this central bank purchase might influence his proposal to monetize silver Mr. Price remarked, “I think that maybe the central bank would not look upon our proposal with such a jaundiced eye. I mean if they bought gold maybe it would not be unreasonable to hope that they would see the monetization of a silver ounce as a good thing for the country.
I can’t help telling you that we have very strong support in the Congress for the monetization of silver, very strong support. Congress is not in session now and will not be back in session until September, but I have high hopes that when both the upper and the lower Houses reconvene in September that we will see something very good happen.”
Hugo gave a presentation at GATA's conference in August laying out arguments for and against re-monetization of silver in the USA as a competing currency with FRNs:
Why not re-monetize the silver dollar? Re-monetization could put the silver dollar and its subsidiary silver coinage into circulation in parallel with FRNs – “Federal Reserve Notes”.
There are several reasons that make this action possible, and only one that might be considered as an unimportant material obstacle.
Current News
... Hugo Salinas Price stated, “By and large all of the Congressman are in favor of monetizing silver in Mexico. The dirty work is how to get around the blocking that is presented by three or four important party leaders who are bought off by the central bank or intimated by the central bank. The are afraid to go against the central banks desires.”
More: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldn...inas_-_Gaddafi_Killed_Over_Gold_Currency.html