Speaking to Mineweb the week after posting a letter on King World News calling on silver producers to act to ensure that the physical market, rather than the paper one, determine the price of the metal, Sprott said that he wished producers of the metal would "finally realise what the paper boys did to them in 2008 - they nearly bankrupted them all and yet they haven't got involved in these lawsuits which I find troubling."
Asked whether or not he has received any feedback from the producers on his suggestion that they "reinvest 25% of their 2011 earnings back into physical silver," Sprott said that there had been a groundswell of interest - more than he had ever seen before - but that still more needs to be done.
By investing in the physical market, Sprott believes, producers would be able to show that there is indeed an imbalance in the physical silver market.
"It's a pretty fine line right now whether they can meet all the demand on a day-to-day basis, if by putting 25% of their cash into silver - it might have the effect of decreasing the supply by around 10 percentage points... I believe 10 percentage points would be enough to make a difference."
Over the shorter term, he says there is clear evidence of strong demand for the metal, "demand for silver is versus the demand for gold in the investment arena and when I see people like Gold Money sell as many dollars of silver, as gold. When I see the US Mint sell as many dollars of silver as gold which by the way implies in both instances, 50 times more physical than gold. And when we did the IPO for Gold Trust we made $440 million. When we did the IPO for the Silver Trust we made $550 million...Well how can the price be 50:1 when the money is going in 1:1?"
More: http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page32?oid=141088&sn=Detail&pid=110649
Sprott wants to break the paper markets and set silver free.