Kyle Bass interview

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Kyle Bass has a real gift for distilling topics so that the lay person can understand them. I always enjoy listening to him talk.

Talk about an interviewer with a fixed mindset and a lot of determination to prevent the interviewee from expressing their point of view or making any telling points. Did she realize that she was hurting her own cause in many eyes?
She was determined to nail him to a cross for betting against these so innocent and helpless governments.

Luckily he was a wealth of information, otherwise I would have not been able to listen to her annoying interruptions.

She sums up her intelligence pretty well with her question deflect of "Why are you asking me this question?" when he asked if Europe has listed options markets on equities and equity indexes.
ZH reminds us of Kyle's prescient warnings from May 2010:
... Below, for everyone's must read pleasure, we once again present his May 11, 2010 letter titled "The Pattern is Set - Betting the Bank on a Keynesian Free Lunch" which fuses everything that has happened in Europe since then on the fiscal side, and is about to happen on the monetary one. "From now on, it seems everything will be deemed to be a liquidity crisis that will be met with more "bail-outs" and debt financed spending. This will eventually break traction in a violent way and facilitate severe inflation or even hyperinflation. The one thing the EU taught us this weekend is that paper money will be worth less (maybe much less) in the future." ...

Kyle apparently* says the Japanese debt bomb will go boom within the next few months:

*I can't read the embedded letter - it's all gibberish letters on my browser - but apparently some people can, so it's likely a browser (setting) issue on my end.

I really like the way he's becoming more assertive when faced with BS from some other quarter (or, nickel? - in joke). As in, no I disagree with that for reason 1,2,3 - back up your stuff with facts. Very impressive.
I know it's been posted somewhere in this forum, but I couldn't find it after searching around a bit, so even though it's "old" (from November 2011) I'm reposting it here for reference (ie. I can find it easily) because it is timeless:

IT is indeed timeless, some things don't change much - and strangely, it seems to take above average brains to notice which ones.

Here's the content of my "daily link section" from yesterday...a newer one from Kyle.

Some more good stuff from Kyle Bass. Dunno how to get this embedded in the forum, but here's the link to CNBC's player. ... layershare

You gotta love a guy who can add and subtract, call it right time after time, and calls himself an accountant, not an economist.
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