Why are there so many "boating" accidents...

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Predaceous Stink Bug
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...involving PM's on this board?

Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me?

Thanks, I'll hang up and listen now...
You buy gold.

Because your like your gold so much, you also take it fishing with you.

Unfortunately, you hit a submerged rock and the boat sinks, along with the gold, or so the story goes.

The "confiscators" are welcome to go search the lake for your gold; ......or create your own version of story here.
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One of my blog readers told me his tale of woe having lost his PMs while icefishing... I wrote him back with my sincere condolences.

I think that the combination of water and PMs is very dangerous. So, next time you go out canoeing, consider leaving the precious in its little hiding pace at home.
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My great grandpa shipped an enormous amount of gold on a ship that sank at sea. He overslept that day and missed the departure, so he did not go down with the ship. But sadly, the same cannot be said for the gold, which is forever entombed at the bottom of the Atlantic. The name of that ship was the Titanic.

True story!
The simple truth is that we are just not very good sailors.
Confiscators = IRS

Step one: Poor soul buys one ounce of gold for x USD
Step two: FED prints a ton of money to give to friends
Step three: Due to money supply increases, the USD devalues by z
Step four: Poor soul needs something and wants to sell the one ounce of gold
Step five: Poor soul sells it for x(1+z)
Step six: IRS tells the poor soul he made a profit of x*z
Step seven: IRS demands "income" tax of x*z*(tax rate)

Moral of the story: Poor soul made no real profits, yet still "owed" the IRS
Anyone ever see the episode of into the west where they found the huge ore of gold. sunk to the bottom after the guy fell in the lake with it strapped to his back.

But why would anyone go icefishing with their bullion?
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