Border Security - Immigration

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Did a search and found a couple of threads mentioning border security and immigration but they were basically hit pieces on politicos people didn't care for. Nothing of substance so I figured I'd start a thread to talk about a problem that needs to be dealt with.

From August 2022:

Fast forward to now:

Biden says border walls don’t work as administration bypasses laws to build more barriers in South Texas​

WashingtonCNN —

President Joe Biden said Thursday that he doesn’t believe border walls work, even as his administration said it will waive 26 laws to build additional border barriers in the Rio Grande Valley amid heightened political pressure over migration.

According to a notice posted to the Federal Register Wednesday, construction of the wall will be paid for using already appropriated funds earmarked specifically for physical border barriers. The administration was under a deadline to use them or lose them. But the move comes at a time when a new surge of migrants is straining federal and local resources and placing heavy political pressure on the Biden administration to address a sprawling crisis, and the notice cited “high illegal entry.”

Biden – who, as a candidate, vowed that there will “not be another foot” of border wall constructed on his watch – defended the decision to reporters Thursday, saying that he tried to get the money appropriated for other purposes but was unsuccessful.


Interesting take by bigherc (take it fwiw - dyodd) Cut it off at the 7:37 mark unless you like commercials.

When Gov. Abbot first started busing migrants to NYC and other Democrat controlled sanctuary cities, media everywhere panned him for a cheap political stunt. He stuck to it though and now NYC is crying Uncle. The disingenuousness of the left (both Dem Mayors/Governors and their accomplices in the media) narrative on this issue is now reaping the harvest of what they have sown.
With the attack by Hamas on Israel I've been wondering if something similar couldn't happen here with sleeper cells. For years survivalist websites, militias, the JBS and other political groups have been talking about this. Going back into the late 1960's I recall the JBS and the Minutemen talking about Russian agents infiltrating our borders. It's now 2023.......60 some years later. Whole lotta time for Russians, Chinese, North Korean and Middle Eastern sleepers to establish themselves and lay low waiting for orders.

As for the orders...........could be shortwave numbers stations. Who knows?
The sleeper cells will be looking for large, soft targets like schools, churches and festival. I hope Black Friday 2023 is not black in any way.

Officials apprehend two Lebanese nationals at southern border, amid terror concerns​

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended two Lebanese nationals at the southern border in Texas on Thursday, sources tell Fox News.

The two men in their early to mid-20s from Lebanon were apprehended in Eagle Pass, Texas. Sources said they are considered "special interest aliens" and are currently undergoing extensive background vetting, including by the FBI.

"Special interest aliens" are people from countries identified by the U.S. government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or potentially pose some sort of national security threat to the U.S.

CBP has also apprehended an Egyptian man in his 40s. Separately. In the Rio Grande Valley Sector, CBP officials have apprehended 19 Iranians and 17 Syrians since Monday.



NYC Mayor Eric Adams will LIMIT shelter stays for migrant families with children to 60 days as Big Apple buckles under the influx of asylum seekers​

New York City mayor Eric Adams will limit shelter stays for migrant families with children to 60 days as the city continues to be overwhelmed with a surge of asylum seekers.

The Democrat had already placed a 30-day limit for shelter stays for adult migrants back in July, as he scrambled to deal with the more than 120,000 new migrants in the city.


Here's a twist...
El Salvador has announced that it will be charging passengers from Africa or India a $1,000 fee. People travelling on passports from India or any one of more than 50 African nations will be obliged to pay the fee, El Salvador’s port authority said in a statement on its website last week.

The $1000 tax is a move to curb migration to the US through the Central American country of El Salvador. Including VAT, the additional cost is $1,130 for travellers from the affected countries. The money raised through the tax will be used to improve the nation’s main international airport, the authority added.


I can only assume that US State Dept is putting forth similar requests/pressure on the rest of Central America to curb the migration flow.
WASHINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, has promised to crack down on illegal immigration and restrict legal immigration if elected to a second term in office.

Here are some of the policies under consideration:


Trump has said he would restore his 2019 "remain in Mexico" program, which forced non-Mexican asylum-seekers seeking to enter the U.S. at the Mexican border to wait in Mexico for the resolution of their cases.

This is too funny. So called "asylum seekers" hate Chicago so much, they headed back home. To Venezula of all places. Lol

Apparently the answer to this mess is to show 'em such a bad time, that they want to leave.

UK government unveils measures to curb migration, check updated minimum salary requirement​

Well, what do you know? Their argument sounds a lot like the argument conservatives in the U.S. have made from the start: there would be issues if immigration wasn't held in check.

But what do a bunch of of deplorable, MAGA lovin' rednecks know?

Minister Cleverly stated, "We will stop immigration undercutting the salary of British workers."

"Immigration is too high. Today we're taking radical action to bring it down. These steps will make sure that immigration always benefits the UK," Sunak shared on X, formerly Twitter.
Apparently the answer to this mess is to show 'em such a bad time, that they want to leave.
Seems like it might actually be working.

Who knew it got cold in Chicago this time of year? Lol


As border extremism goes mainstream, vigilante groups take a starring role​

The border wall arches over the steep slopes of the Sonoran Desert, a vast row of brown steel slats jutting up from the rugged terrain, rippling with heat in the afternoon sun. A man dressed head to toe in camouflage and carrying an AR-style rifle huffs and puffs his way up one hill and scans the horizon.

Over the radio, his comrades in Arizona Border Recon, a civilian patrol group, report finding 31 migrants near a spot where the wall abruptly ends. The remote area west of Nogales, Ariz., called California Gulch, is where fencing built during the Trump era gives way to miles of open but unforgiving wilderness.

Half a dozen members of the ragtag patrol have set up camp nearby. Their 64-year-old leader, Tim Foley, says it’s a corridor for smuggling people and drugs, activity he and his group aim to disrupt.

“They got dumped down here by the cartel,” Foley says of the migrants. “They didn't know where the hell they were at.”


I'm typically not for vigilante groups, but I absolutely understand the frustrations these people are facing.

I know folks who have family and/or friends who own property along the border, as well as near the border, who have dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of illegals pouring across their property at any given moment; it's an almost daily occurrence.

Many times, they're escorted by armed coyotes.

There are distinct trails through long sections of their property. These illegals cut trails through the brush; they leave trash, including a lot of human waste. Sometimes they leave behind tents for the next group to use.

There are several landowners who report that many/most of their trees are gone in large swaths of their land because they've been used for campfires. Many report their wooden fences and/or fence posts have been used as well.

Then there's the "humanitarian groups" in these communities that also trespass on these people's land to leave jugs of water, blankets, various OTC medications, etc.

I know I would be extremely pissed off if I had to put up with all of that. Even more pissed off when my government is not only doing nothing to stop it but actively engaged in programs to make it easier and less dangerous for the illegals.

Local law enforcement/sheriff's departments tell them they aren't allowed to force these people off their land. Many of the agencies say they are prohibited from assisting in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

I fully understand their frustrations and sympathize with their plight. I support them in their efforts to secure the border, if only on their own land.

Keep in mind our Declaration of Independence states:

“whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
For years they (our elected good shepherds) have been kicking this can down the road. And every election time they bring it up. Doesn't matter which flavor. R or D, they use it as a talking point. Maybe get some sort of a concession from "the other side" for whatever posturing they're into. Then it's business as usual.

WTF is the big deal. Each side select a couple of members, go into a room, come up with a sane plan, present it to the rest of the party, both sides get together and vote the plan in, send it to the prez, he or she signs it and it's a done deal.

You could not run a business the way this country is being run. It would come to ruination.
I'm typically not for vigilante groups, but I absolutely understand the frustrations these people are facing.

I know folks who have family and/or friends who own property along the border, as well as near the border, who have dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of illegals pouring across their property at any given moment; it's an almost daily occurrence.

Many times, they're escorted by armed coyotes.

There are distinct trails through long sections of their property. These illegals cut trails through the brush; they leave trash, including a lot of human waste. Sometimes they leave behind tents for the next group to use.

There are several landowners who report that many/most of their trees are gone in large swaths of their land because they've been used for campfires. Many report their wooden fences and/or fence posts have been used as well.

Then there's the "humanitarian groups" in these communities that also trespass on these people's land to leave jugs of water, blankets, various OTC medications, etc.

I know I would be extremely pissed off if I had to put up with all of that. Even more pissed off when my government is not only doing nothing to stop it but actively engaged in programs to make it easier and less dangerous for the illegals.

Local law enforcement/sheriff's departments tell them they aren't allowed to force these people off their land. Many of the agencies say they are prohibited from assisting in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

I fully understand their frustrations and sympathize with their plight. I support them in their efforts to secure the border, if only on their own land.

Keep in mind our Declaration of Independence states:

“whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”


Texas to arrest migrants crossing border illegally under new state law​

WASHINGTON, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Monday signed a law allowing state law enforcement to arrest people suspected of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, giving local officers powers long delegated to the U.S. government in a move likely to trigger legal challenges.

The law, known as SB 4, will take effect in March and create a new state crime for illegal entry or re-entry into Texas, with penalties ranging from 180 days in jail to 20 years in prison. Texas magistrate judges will be required to order migrants to return to Mexico, with up to 20-year sentences for those who refuse to comply.

Migrants who cross illegally can already be charged with illegal entry or re-entry under federal laws but Abbott has sharply criticized U.S. President Joe Biden for failing to enforce them.


Looks like Texas is going to have to build a shitload more jails.
Came across this by accident, started reading it and thought it was neat. If it's true...........god bless the guy.

Some passages from the link:

Live from the Jungle: Migrants Become Influencers on Social Media​

He eventually made it to the United States. But to his surprise, his videos began attracting so many views and earning enough money from YouTube that he decided he no longer needed to live in America at all.

So, Mr. Monterrosa, a 35-year-old from Venezuela, returned to South America and now has a new plan altogether: trekking the Darién route again, this time in search of content and clicks, having learned how to make a living as a perpetual migrant.

“Migration sells,” Mr. Monterrosa said. “My public is a public that wants a dream.”

WTF is the big deal. Each side select a couple of members, go into a room, come up with a sane plan, present it to the rest of the party, both sides get together and vote the plan in, send it to the prez, he or she signs it and it's a done deal.
That won't work because the guys you support won't agree to do anything to stop it.
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