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GIM2 Refugee
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The herbicide Paraquat has now been linked to increased risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. Newly uncovered documents show that the manufacturers of Paraquat knew of these risks years ago. With the U.S. one of the few large countries still using this toxic chemical many are asking where is the EPA?
Ahh paraquat. I looked for an article on this but can't find it but this is a true story. Back in the early 1970's the USA's anti-marijuana campaign was in full speed ahead. Funding was given to spray the Mexican pot fields with paraquat to 'kill the menace dead in its tracks" which became the team line. Well some of the stuff apparently lived and was distributed through the normal channels despite carrying traces of the paraquat. Across campuses in the USA students were suddenly becoming subject to assorted raspatory issues and long story short it was the paraquat that did it.
Test sites were set up where users could submit a small sample of their holdings with a multiple digit password and then, two weeks later, call in with the digit password and get a positive or negative response.
It was really a big deal in my neck of the woods and affected users were concerned about possible lung damage. The spraying stopped, or so the Government said, as there was considerable resentment at the time. Parent's were mad at the kids "who shouldn't have been smoking pot to begin with" to where it became a pretty hot issue.
I can't find a link on i t but my wife remembered it too. The pleasures of youth for a product now long as the big guy gets his cut.

Yeah, paraquat, I remember those daze.
The guy I bought dope from said when the planes sprayed the field with paraquat the owners immediately harvested the crop before it started to wilt. Then rushed it to the market.
Those were the $250 a kilo daze.

Ahh paraquat. I looked for an article on this but can't find it but this is a true story. Back in the early 1970's the USA's anti-marijuana campaign was in full speed ahead. Funding was given to spray the Mexican pot fields with paraquat to 'kill the menace dead in its tracks" which became the team line. Well some of the stuff apparently lived and was distributed through the normal channels despite carrying traces of the paraquat. Across campuses in the USA students were suddenly becoming subject to assorted raspatory issues and long story short it was the paraquat that did it.
Test sites were set up where users could submit a small sample of their holdings with a multiple digit password and then, two weeks later, call in with the digit password and get a positive or negative response.
It was really a big deal in my neck of the woods and affected users were concerned about possible lung damage. The spraying stopped, or so the Government said, as there was considerable resentment at the time. Parent's were mad at the kids "who shouldn't have been smoking pot to begin with" to where it became a pretty hot issue.
I can't find a link on i t but my wife remembered it too. The pleasures of youth for a product now long as the big guy gets his cut.

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So you are saying they purposely poisoned the Mary Jane in order to give Mary Jane a bad rap... Yeah, that seems exactly like something they would do.
So you are saying they purposely poisoned the Mary Jane in order to give Mary Jane a bad rap... Yeah, that seems exactly like something they would do.
isn't that the same reason they used agent orange? strip those trees and jungles back so we can get a really good look at the enemy?

but think: these days, we're getting melamine in our food from china, fentanyl from china, fake consumer goods from china

it seems our .gov has been teaching others their dirty tricks...
Ahh paraquat.
I too remember those stories in the news. Now we come to find out - despite all the demon weed warnings for the last 80 years - that pot use isn't causing any of the crazyness they said it would.

Instead of keeping an eye on pot smokers - people's time would be better spent keeping an eye on the government. The government is what is crazy!
Yeah, paraquat, I remember those daze.
The guy I bought dope from said when the planes sprayed the field with paraquat the owners immediately harvested the crop before it started to wilt. Then rushed it to the market.
Those were the $250 a kilo daze.


Hey that's right and now you prodded that part of my memory too. Goshes so long ago. There was a University here that held an annual "Mississippi River festival" That had big name rock bands along with a back up band for $2.00. Once Bob Hope played there and he remarked that "He had never played to an audience on the grass before" playing with the lawn seats and the status of the fans at the same time. Times are sure different now including none of the gasoline that we could get for around a quarter a gallon.
So you are saying they purposely poisoned the Mary Jane in order to give Mary Jane a bad rap... Yeah, that seems exactly like something they would do.
The gov did the same to moonshine during prohibition (poisoned it), and still do a similar thing today by having mfgs include high doses of acetaminophen in many opioid pain killers.
Ahh paraquat. I looked for an article on this but can't find it but this is a true story. Back in the early 1970's the USA's anti-marijuana campaign was in full speed ahead. Funding was given to spray the Mexican pot fields with paraquat to 'kill the menace dead in its tracks" which became the team line. Well some of the stuff apparently lived and was distributed through the normal channels despite carrying traces of the paraquat. Across campuses in the USA students were suddenly becoming subject to assorted raspatory issues and long story short it was the paraquat that did it.
Test sites were set up where users could submit a small sample of their holdings with a multiple digit password and then, two weeks later, call in with the digit password and get a positive or negative response.
It was really a big deal in my neck of the woods and affected users were concerned about possible lung damage. The spraying stopped, or so the Government said, as there was considerable resentment at the time. Parent's were mad at the kids "who shouldn't have been smoking pot to begin with" to where it became a pretty hot issue.
I can't find a link on i t but my wife remembered it too. The pleasures of youth for a product now long as the big guy gets his cut.

View attachment 3928
When mom n dad found my stash about 84

“Don’t you know they spray that shit with Paraquat?”

I had no idea what he was talking about and knew all too well not to interrupt him.
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