Unvaccinated blood is now in very high demand

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Unvaccinated blood is now in very high demand​

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  • A growing number of people in need of blood transfusions are requesting blood that comes from people who haven’t received COVID-19 shots
  • Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole compared the current unknowns regarding “vaccinated blood” with HIV-tainted blood that was used for transfusions in the 1980s
  • Directed donations and autologous donations, or self-donation, are options for receiving blood free of mRNA, but in both cases you’ll need your doctor to submit a Red Cross Special Collections Order form
  • A “Safe Blood” donation campaign has also been formed to match blood donors and recipients who have not had COVID-19 shots
It's unknown whether blood donated by people who've received mRNA COVID-19 shots poses a risk to those who receive it. A growing number of people aren't willing to take any chances, however, and are requesting blood that comes from unvaccinated patients. One high-profile case involves a 4-month-old baby, Will Savage-Reeves, in New Zealand, who needs surgery for a heart valve disorder.

His parents, Samantha and Cole, requested the infant receive blood only from donors who have not received COVID-19 shots. While unvaccinated blood is available, the doctors and hospital refused to grant the request. The case was heard before a New Zealand court, which sided with the doctors and took guardianship of the child to proceed with the surgery using vaccinated blood.1,2

Hospital Refuses Family's Request for Unvaccinated Blood

His parents, Samantha and Cole, requested the infant receive blood only from donors who have not received COVID-19 shots. While unvaccinated blood is available, the doctors and hospital refused to grant the request.
The doctors and hospital are just being cruel and punitive about it if un-jab-juiced blood is available, but they will not honor their request. Totally f'ed up.
Nine gallon donor here. Used to give 6 times a year, every year. O-Neg blood so it is always in high demand. Quit donating when little barry soetoro and the dems rammed Bananacare through in the middle of the night. Red Cross called and called and I told them to pound sand every time and I told them why they weren't getting my blood anymore. Eventually, the calls stopped. Now, in the last couple of months, the calls have started up again. They can go piss up a rope if they think they are getting my untainted blood now. They want it? They are going to have to come and take it from me.
Nine gallon donor here. Used to give 6 times a year, every year. O-Neg blood so it is always in high demand. Quit donating when little barry soetoro and the dems rammed Bananacare through in the middle of the night. Red Cross called and called and I told them to pound sand every time and I told them why they weren't getting my blood anymore. Eventually, the calls stopped. Now, in the last couple of months, the calls have started up again. They can go piss up a rope if they think they are getting my untainted blood now. They want it? They are going to have to come and take it from me.
I do wish we had an unvaxxed blood ban where we could donate to each other.
As I try to patiently explain to the people at the Red Cross when they call, you can either have a population of people who will willingly and cheerfully donate that which the community needs, or you can try to shove medical tyranny down their throats.

Pick one.
I can envision you on the phone now.

“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”
Who was it that said, "Elections, even fake ones, have consequences"?

Oh yeah. It was that little POS barry soetoro. Well, for once, the pride of Chicago's gay bathhouse scene was right.

I was fine donating something valuable for absolutely free. Now that they have shown their hand, they will have to pay out the nose if they want it.
As I try to patiently explain to the people at the Red Cross when they call, you can either have a population of people who will willingly and cheerfully donate that which the community needs, or you can try to shove medical tyranny down their throats.

Pick one.
Thing is... they don't even realize they're shoving!

Parents of Baby Alex Procured Unvaxxed Blood But Hospital Used Vaxxed Blood Instead — Now He’s Dead From Blood Clots​

The story of Baby Alex is every unvaccinated parent’s nightmare. He was supposed to be given blood from an unvaccinated donor for his needed transfusion. The parents procured the blood from a donor at their church. But the hospital made a “mistake” and Alex died from blood clots after getting blood from a vaccinated person. Now, the hospital denies everything, even that Alex was there at all.

http s://thelibertydaily.com/baby-given-vaccinated-blood-infusion-dies-within-days-from-blood-clot/

maybe its not true
maybe it is

Thing is... they don't even realize they're shoving!

Dictators are going to dictate. 🤷

The question is - just how many are going to refuse to play along?

One of the main things that I have learned from this whole covid scam is just who would have hidden Anne Frank and who would have turned her over to the Nazis and helped load her onto a cattle car. I've cut the latter people out of my life.
maybe its not true
maybe it is
Yep, apparently that's just what happened.

Alexander was born on January 3, 2022 in Walla Walla, Washington. Baby Alex was born with a throat condition which was accompanied by a cardiac defect. He was born with double outlet right ventricle (DORV), in which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed. The condition is a "95% survivable congenital heart defect," but Alex needed to undergo tracheoesophageal fistula surgery first. Despite this, Alex's parents, Ron Bly and Cornelia Hertzler, remained hopeful.
Baby Alex
I think the time is coming when us purebloods can bequeath a sanguine gift to Humanity when they die (with $$ tax credit) -- their Precious Bodily Fluids.

Sorta like the Fremen taking a dead person's water. No need to waste something so precious to life itself.

Of course, the writer in me sees the next problem popping right up: The Red Black Market.
I think the time is coming when us purebloods can bequeath a sanguine gift to Humanity when they die (with $$ tax credit) -- their Precious Bodily Fluids.

Sorta like the Fremen taking a dead person's water. No need to waste something so precious to life itself.

Of course, the writer in me sees the next problem popping right up: The Red Black Market.

I have already decided on where I will next "donate" some bodily fluids. When The Grim Reaper finally punches Granny Scandal's ticket and Satan is forced to take her as a bride, I plan to piss on her grave. I don't care where they bury that vile slag, I will find the grave and do my duty. I'll eat some asparagus the night before.
I'm willing to sell mine if the price is right.


I have already decided on where I will next "donate" some bodily fluids. When The Grim Reaper finally punches Granny Scandal's ticket and Satan is forced to take her as a bride, I plan to piss on her grave. I don't care where they bury that vile slag, I will find the grave and do my duty. I'll eat some asparagus the night before.
Do me a big favor, Kid... Take an extra asparagus on your plate the previous night to represent yer ole Unca.
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