Interesting documentary on fiat money...

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Predaceous Stink Bug
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Interesting documentary with plenty of unique content you may have not hear so far (not the typical bla, bla, but a historical retrospective):
Although I am currently [simulating] working, I have saved this one for later. Decent intro and it looks pretty good from the small bit I just watched.
I think these guys are missing something when they say history is likely to repeat. There is no historical precedent to having everybody simultaneously connected to a common information source like the internet. There is also no historical precedent to having almost all money transactions handled electronically (and therefore under the complete control of the government and central banks). The next crash is going to be different. Harder to prep for. You would hate to be the guy with nothing but gold coins when the government mandated that all transactions were going to be with blue chip stamps (remember those?). Stay diversified. Be ready for a range of possibilities and not all of them bad. If it's the end of the world you might want to have more champagne and less lead so you can throw a block party. :cheers:
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