Yellow Jacket

If he does it, how long until he becomes the next president to be assassinated? Thing is, it doesn't sound like the long term plan is to end it, just wrest control out of some international oligarchy & put it under direct control of politicians. That might be fine when your party is in power, but not so much when it isn't. Not to mention it takes a lot of time, effort & materials to build a house, but a can of gas & match can take it down in no time. The dems really love their gas & matches too.
President Trump has vowed to reclaim control of the Federal Reserve from the Rothschild family, freeing it from crippling regulations that has held America back for decades.
Trump says the Federal Reserve has been allowed to cause interest rates to soar, create huge dept, and slow the growth of the economy for far too long.
Dick Bove: Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve
President Trump sharply criticized the Federal Reserve this week, saying interest rate increases are hurting the economy.
Trump will have the opportunity to fashion the central bank in the image he would like as he has four vacancies to fill on the board of governors.
The result could be a more politicized Fed.
President Trump has vowed to reclaim control of the Federal Reserve from the Rothschild family, freeing it from crippling regulations that has held America back for decades.
Trump says the Federal Reserve has been allowed to cause interest rates to soar, create huge dept, and slow the growth of the economy for far too long.
Dick Bove: Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve
President Trump sharply criticized the Federal Reserve this week, saying interest rate increases are hurting the economy.
Trump will have the opportunity to fashion the central bank in the image he would like as he has four vacancies to fill on the board of governors.
The result could be a more politicized Fed.