How to file a complaint against my mailman?

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Predaceous Stink Bug
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Left Coast
Not exactly PM related, so mods please move where appropriate...

So we have an old school mailbox - one that stands on a post. On the few occasions there's been a car parked in front of the mailbox, the mailman will intentionally (?) leave the door open. He's left large packages on the grass next to the mailbox. Today, he left a "signature required" package in the mailbox.

My parents were at my house waiting for the mailman to arrive, and he didn't even come up to see if there's anyone at home.

I normally would not have packages delivered to the house because my wife and I both work, but made an exception because my parents are visiting.

I think the USPS needs to know what kind of dipshit they have working for them. How do I lodge a complaint?
If you are on a Rural Route (driver drives a privately licensed vehicle), the mailman is a contract carrier who is mostly independent of the post office. In that case, you need to talk to him first. If that does no good, then do the following.

If you are on a city delivery route (driver drives a government licensed vehicle), the mailman is a quasi-government employee, with the typical attitude of one.

If you are in a small town, contact the Postmaster of your post office. In that case, the PM is jack of all trades and can do something.

If you are in a large city, the best person to contact is the station manager of the station that your mailman is assigned to. Finding the delivery station can be problematic as most of them in large cities are stand alone facilities with no access to the public and no listed addresses nor phone numbers. If you can't find the delivery station, you may need to ask a different mailman in your delivery area where it is, or follow a mailman to it. You could also try asking where the station is at by asking someone at your local retail facility.

Most local post office phone numbers are unlisted. If you have some phone books that are old enough, you might get lucky and find it. Or you may try asking someone at the post office, though most of the time all they will give you is the 800 number, WHICH IS TOTALLY USELESS.

If you do manage to get a phone number, guard it with your life. You never know when you will need it again. I have a collection of local numbers for most of the post offices, delivery stations, and retail outlets covered by my Sectional Center Facility that I have collected over the years. Every now and then I need one of them and having it on file sure makes things easier when there is a problem.
Not exactly PM related, so mods please move where appropriate...

If it was signature required and nobody signed, then they have no way of knowing if the package was lost/stolen rather than delivered. And wouldn't it be a tragic and unforseen turn of events....
If you are in a small town, contact the Postmaster of your post office. In that case, the PM is jack of all trades and can do something.

In my neck of suburbia, each branch post office has it's own post master and they are the king of their fiefdom.
my mailman does this also. he hates my street because the Republic of Texas people (they have three houses on the street) make him walk up to their front doors, they don't trust a mailbox on the street.

He's actually a pretty nice guy, ex vietnam vet who hates the .gov, but he won't deliver mail if the box is blocked.
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