
  1. Goldhedge

    Pompeo: “We’re in a live exercise here to get this right"

    Pompeo: “We’re in a live exercise here to get this right” Trump: "You should have let us know." The rest of the story: https://www.globalresearch.ca/secretary-state-mike-pompeo-admits-covid-19-live-exercise-president-trump-comments-i-wish-you-would-have-told-us/5707223
  2. Goldhedge

    Rudy Giuliani Drops Name of Primetime Republican Host Who Refused Share Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence

    now you know who's a white hat... Rudy Giuliani Drops Name of Primetime Republican Host Who Refused Share Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence by Collin Rugg Commentary December 12, 2022 During an interview with Newsmax over the weekend, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani revealed that he gave...
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