1 oz Palladium Maple Leaf $1181

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Sunshine State
GIM2 Refugee
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Lowest price on a palladium coin I have seen in years. Could be dead money for awhile, but I don't see how you could lose money on a purchase. Might take a little work to sell it down the road since it's not very liquid and very few people invest in it.

I know if the BRICS restrict supply of PMs to the west palladium will go into orbit.

Palladium went down $4 today and Bold raised the price of the coin by $2.
It's big under reported news that platinum is higher than palladium. First time in years. Not to mention gold and silver recovered most of yesterday's losses.

Something is going on with the tweakers and circuit breaker big bank system operators.

Watch for the monkey hammer next week when Shanghai closes for some holiday? That is when JPM, GS and the other criminal banks could slam the price down temporarily. They really need to change strategy because giving our PMs away at a discount so the east can corner the market is not really a smart move.
We may have just seen the bottom in palladium. It just lapped platinum. That was short lived.
We may also be witnessing a breakout in platinum today as it tests resistence at this $978 level. When it busts thru it's going to $1200.
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