A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century

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***Notes: I was thinking about putting this one in either the Propaganda or the disinfo threads. Decided to let it stand alone. In my opinion the article itself is propaganda but hey........I could be wrong. There's something in here for everyone: covid deniers, russia-russia-russia gaters, the govs out to get me peeps and others who may or may not be paranoid. It's a long read but pretty interesting no matter what flavor your politics are.

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century​


In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed that he had proof of a communist spy ring operating inside the government. Overnight, the explosive accusations blew up in the national press, but the details kept changing. Initially, McCarthy said he had a list with the names of 205 communists in the State Department; the next day he revised it to 57. Since he kept the list a secret, the inconsistencies were beside the point. The point was the power of the accusation, which made McCarthy’s name synonymous with the politics of the era.

Author of the report in the OP was interviewed in a Reason podcast:

I have not listened to it, but I expect it might offer some insight on his development of the article.
I lived it. If you want an analysis that is real, lissen to yer Unca:

Joe McCarthy was a despicable PITA who happened to be completely right in one area. <-- Now there is a mix for you.

The entitled East Coast nobility (I hesitate to point it out: Jewish) reacted when a poncey little git of their dinner circuit named Schine got his exalted ass drafted.

McCarthy got into it, pressuring the Army to make Schine a butter bar instead of a private. They refused, since Schine had no qualifications other than connections.

Because the Army told Joe: "No way, Jose!" Joe got super pissed and officially accused the Army and State Department of being riddled with communists who represented grave risks to the country. Think Julius and Ethel Rosenberg**

Then came the Hoover Letter. The counterfeit one that Hoover never wrote left Joey McC with a big turd on his chin. Then came the doctored photo supposedly showing his Schiney Boy standing ALONE with the Secretary of the Army. McCarthy used this photo to "prove" his point.

Yeah... and then the rest of the cropped photo was shown, and the slimy lawyer Cohn and his boss Joe Mc were forever in the stank.

McCarthy set a senate record for being utterly censured by that body.

What I remember is when that slimeball Cohn was on the stand and the guy (I forget who, now) tore his arse to fargin shreds.

"You swore under oath that Pvt Schine was completely alone with the Secretary of the Army at the time this picture was taken, right?" "...ummmm, well, I... yes."

(Shows the whole picture, which included half of Biloxi and an airplane they were all standing by in a group.)

[Pointing to the furthest away person] "Can you see a person standing where I am pointing?"

"...ummmm, well, I... yes."

The guy ripping Cohn-cum-McCarthy arses wide open continued slowly, pointing to each and every one of the about eight people in the real, uncropped photo while Cohn could only die in his heels, utterly destroyed for the rest of his life as a lawyer.

That's the story as I remember it. Had to do a Current Events report on it in High School.

**Julius Rosenberg obtained a job as a civilian engineer with the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and he and Ethel began working together to disclose U.S. military secrets to the Soviet Union. Later, Ethel’s brother, Sgt. David Greenglass, who was assigned as a machinist to the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb, provided the Rosenbergs with data on nuclear weapons. The Rosenbergs turned over this information to Harry Gold, a Swiss-born courier for the espionage ring, who then passed it to Anatoly A. Yakovlev, the Soviet Union’s vice-consul in New York City.
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Found this list compiled by Trevor Noah back in 2019. I don't think it is complete however.


I’ve been asked to compile a list of socialists and communists in Congress. A friend of mine was challenged to name “even two socialists in Congress”. Altogether, if you add in Islamist connections I think about 100 members of the House of Representatives would struggle to pass a low-level background security check. But guess what? There are no security checks in Congress.

Here’s my list of 50 of the most obvious socialists in the House, with links to my website Keywiki for the backup evidence. Apologies to the many I’ve omitted. please email me at trevor.newzeal @gmail.com if you’d like to be included in future lists.

Raul Grijalva (D AZ) Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since at least 1993. A self-described “Alinskyite.” Travelled to Cuba in 2015.

Ami Bera (D CA) Has used Communist Party USA campaign volunteers in 2010, 2014 and 2016. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Nancy Pelosi (D CA) Very close to several key Communist Party USA allies in San Francisco in the 1970s and ’80s. Also some involvement with Democratic Socialists of America.

Barbara Lee (D CA) Lee has been close to the Communist Party USA for decades. In the 1990s she was a leading member of the Communist Party spin-off Committees of Correspondence. Has been to Cuba more than 20 times.

Ro Khanna (D CA) Very close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Salud Carbajal (D CA) Long history with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Judy Chu (D CA) Was heavily involved with the now defunct pro-Beijing Communist Workers Party in the 1970s and ’80s. Still works closely with former members today. China’s best friend in the US Congress.

Raul Ruiz (D CA) Worked closly with Workers World Party members in Massachusetts in the late 1990s.

Karen Bass (D CA) Was actively involved with the Marxist-Leninist group. Line of March in the 1980s. Still works closely with former members. Mentored by a leading Communist Party USA member. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America and someFreedom Road Socialist Organization members. Has been to Cuba at least 4 times.

Maxine Waters (D CA) Long history with the Communist Party USA. Also ties to some Communist Workers Party and Workers World Party fronts. Has employed staff members from Democratic Socialists of America and League of Revolutionary Struggle.

Joe Courtney (D CT) Has worked closely with several Communist Party USA leaders.

Rosa DeLauro (D CT) Has worked extremely closely with the Communist Party USA for many years. Travelled to Cuba in 2014.

Jim Himes (D CT) His 1988 thesis “The Sandinista Defense Committees and the Transformation of Political Culture in Nicaragua” was a sympathetic portrayal of Marxist government’s civilian spy network. Has worked closely with one Communist Party USA front group.

Kathy Castor (D FL) Has worked closely with Cuba and pro-Castro organizations to open US trade with the communist island.

John Lewis (D GA) Worked closly with the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA in the 1960s. In recent years has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Tulsi Gabbard (D HI) Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members through her political career. Ties to some Filipino-American “former communists”. Worked with Communist Party USA affiliated former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to defend Soviet-Russian puppet Syrian leader Bashar-al-Assad.

Bobby Rush (D IL) Former leader of the Maoist leaning Black Panther Party. Has worked closely with Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Has travelled to Cuba twice.

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D IL) hs worked closely with the Communist Party USA for nearly 40 years.

Danny Davis (D IL) Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the mid 2000s. Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since the 1980s. Also close to Committees of Correspondence in the 1990s.

Jan Schakowsky (D IL) Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the 1980s and has continued to work closely with the organization. Has also worked closely with some Communist Party USA members.

Dave Loebsack (D IA) has worked closely with Socialist Party USA and
Democratic Socialists of America members for many years.

John Yarmuth (D KY) has worked with Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Jamie Raskin (D MD) has worked closly with Democratic Socialists of America for many years.

Jim McGovern (D MA) has supported Latin American socialist and revolutionary groups for 20 years. has travelled to Cuba at least three times.

Ayanna Pressley (D MA) Has been endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America. Worked with Freedom Road Socialist Organization front groups and with the pro-Beijing Chinese Progressive Association in Boston.

Andy Levin (D MI) Close to Democratic Socialists of America for at least a decade.

Rashida Tlaib (D MI) Democratic Socialists of America member.

Betty McCollum (D MN) Close ties to communist Laos. Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members. Traveled to Cuba in 2014.

Ilhan Omar (D MN) Supported by Democratic Socialists of America controlled groups Our Revolution and National Nurses United. Reportedly a self-described “democratic socialist”.

Bennie Thompson (D MS) Was close to the Communist Party USA for many years. Also supported one Communist Workers Party organization. Travelled to Cuba in 2000 and worked with Fidel Castro to train leftist American medical students in Cuba.

William Lacy Clay (D MO) Has worked with Communist Party USA fronts for many years.

Greg Meeks (D NY) Has travelled to Cuba at least 3 times. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Grace Meng (D NY) Very close to the pro-Beijing Asian Americans for Equality. Was also active in a radical Korean-American organization.

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Nydia Velasquez (D NY) Close ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Welcomed Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1995.

Yvette Clarke (D NY) Addressed a Workers World Party rally in 2005. Close ally of a prominent Democratic Socialists of America member. Travelled to Cuba in 2007.

Jerry Nadler (D NY) was a member of Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in the 1970s and was involved with Democratic Socialists of America in the ’80s and ’90s.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D NY) member of Democratic Socialists of America.

Jose Serrano (D NY) Close ties to the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

G.K. Butterfield (D NC) Some connection to Workers World Party and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Also close to the “former” communist led Moral Mondays movement.

Marcy Kaptur (D OH) Ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Travelled to Cuba in 2002.

Earl Blumenauer (D OR) Ties to Democratic Socialists of America.

Steve Cohen (D TN) Close ties to Memphis Socialist Party USA members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Sylvia Garcia (D TX) Elected to the Texas state house with Communist Party USA support. Works closely with a major communist influenced organization.

Eddie Bernice Johnson (D TX) Long relationship with the Communist Party USA. Travelled to Cuba at least twice.

Marc Veasey (D TX) Very close relationship with the Communist Party USA.

Lloyd Doggett (D TX) Has been involved with Democratic Socialists of America since the 1980s.

Pramila Jayapal (D WA) Has been involved with Freedom Road Socialist Organization connected groups for many years.

Mark Pocan (D WI) Close to some Democratic Socialists of America activists. Long-time active supporter of Colombian revolutionary movements.

Gwen Moore (D WI) Has been mentored by leading Democratic Socialists of America and Communist Party USA members.

Eleanor Holmes Norton (D DC) Former Young Peoples Socialist League member. Long connection to Democratic Socialists of America.

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I meant to add where Joe McCarthy was spectacularly right, and in an area ten times more important than his incredibly gross screw-up with the frat boy part:

Think about this regarding what Joe M. was spieling about -- absolutely valid and correct... and NOT fixed because Joe M. was an arsehole with a midget IQ with even smaller trustworthiness. While he was right, he was so virulent that what he was after got away and he got outed for being a dick.

Read this about the Rosenbergs, and know that McCarthy was spot on, the useless twat:

When [Ethel Greenglass] married Julius Rosenberg in 1939, the year he earned a degree in electrical engineering, the two were already active members of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA). In the following year Julius obtained a job as a civilian engineer with the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and he and Ethel began working together to disclose U.S. military secrets to the Soviet Union. Later, Ethel’s brother, Sgt. David Greenglass, who was assigned as a machinist to the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb, provided the Rosenbergs with data on nuclear weapons. The Rosenbergs turned over this information to Harry Gold, a Swiss-born courier for the espionage ring, who then passed it to Anatoly A. Yakovlev, the Soviet Union’s vice-consul in New York City.
The interview in post #3 is pretty good and worth a listen............in my opinion.

It's 1hr 41mins long. Nothing to see, you can lister in one tab, play around in bugland or surf the web in another.
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