Abilene gold shop shooting

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Yellow Jacket
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from SHTF blog:
Hey,Mac. I have been out of town and hoped when I got back you would have an article on what happened in Abilene,Texas last Thursday. As I pulled into Abilene on the loop I noticed 10 state troopers cars at a business located on the access road. There was a crime tape up with at least 20 LEO’s on the scene.The story so far is that the business bought and sold gold and silver. Five plain clothes Abilene police officers busted in to investigate why the owner was not complying with the obama health care program in filling out 1099′s on all purchases or transaction of $600 of precious metals. They never declared who they were or showed any sign that they were law enforcement. According to a nearby business man within seconds of them entering two shots rang out. Business owner was killed. I presume that if I was selling gold and silver and 5 men assaulted my store they would be coming to rob me. So far I cannot find anyone outside of abilene who has heard of this on their news.Over 150 weapons were found in the back room with 65,000 rounds of ammunition. All legal. The owner had probably taken them on trade from customers wishing to stock up on gold and silver. All legal transactions. I will bet big money that little of “the eveidence” removed from the store ever made it to the station. That’s just how they roll up there. Am amazed that this hasn’t made national news.You might investigate further and do a story on it cause something surely stinks in Abilene.

the article:
... complying with the obama health care program in filling out 1099′s on all purchases or transaction of $600 of precious metals. ...

That provision was later repealed (in April 2011).


The repeal bill/law is called: The Comprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments Act of 2011

The story in the OP most undoubtably is wrong (at least in part).
That provision was later repealed (in April 2011).


The repeal bill/law is called: The Comprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments Act of 2011

The story in the OP most undoubtably is wrong (at least in part).

the same story is being repeated, in different wording, in many articles on the net. (not saying its not wrong). But its being misrepresented, as the wording is different and not merely being copied...
People who horde gold are paranoid and violent. Can't you see that?
People who horde gold are paranoid and violent. Can't you see that?

not only that, but survivalists have children that grow up to kill elementary schools. Obviously, those who hoard food are a threat to the very social fabric....
Well I don't know about that

But those shows on TV about people obsessed with their doomsday preparations give me the heebie-geebies. I sure wouldn't want my child going to the home of one of those people. Must be a bizarre existance to be so worried about the end of the world you don't really get to live while you're here. I often wonder if those people will feel cheated if the apocalypse never comes.
But those shows on TV about people obsessed with their doomsday preparations give me the heebie-geebies. I sure wouldn't want my child going to the home of one of those people. Must be a bizarre existance to be so worried about the end of the world you don't really get to live while you're here. I often wonder if those people will feel cheated if the apocalypse never comes.
Do you feel cheated every day you put on a seat belt and don't have an accident?
But those shows on TV about people obsessed with their doomsday preparations give me the heebie-geebies. I sure wouldn't want my child going to the home of one of those people. Must be a bizarre existance to be so worried about the end of the world you don't really get to live while you're here. I often wonder if those people will feel cheated if the apocalypse never comes.

I often wonder why people watch and believe what they are told.

The difference between "movies" and "tv" is ... ?

I do not believe "documentary" was stated.

80 yrs ago, due to foresight and seasonality. All families kept supplies.

Who do you, depend upon, to keep supplies for you?

Think twice. TV = Psy-Ops.

and you took the bait.
Not just 80 yrs ago. Now, in rural areas, keeping a few months (at least) of this and that on hand is the norm, not a "prepper" thing. Other than that this culture preceded the mainstream use of that word. "Out here", you know that you can be snowed in, iced in, trees across roads in high winds, whatever - even if the stores are fine, you might not be able to get to one easily, so you set things up so as not to have to.

I've experienced the "prepper media" thing here. I had a guy come out ostensibly to shoot photos of my fusion stuff for a magazine. But of course, being here two days, he got a lot of incidental shots of other stuff. Guess where they wound up? In a themed issue about prepping. Glad he didn't see 9/10th of what I have.
wonder when they are going to go after the 14+ million plus mormons?
But those shows on TV about people obsessed with their doomsday preparations give me the heebie-geebies. I sure wouldn't want my child going to the home of one of those people. Must be a bizarre existance to be so worried about the end of the world you don't really get to live while you're here. I often wonder if those people will feel cheated if the apocalypse never comes.

have you made provisions for how to feed your child for when (not if) the grocery stores close and the water that comes out of the tap is no longer safe to drink? It never ceases to amaze me the endless stream of people I see every day that think every day is going to be the same as the day before. Yesterday morning, (I work in a grocery store) there were six of us working on "aisle one" (the bread aisle"). Myself (155 lbs.) my co-worker Wayne (300+ lbs, he won't tell anyone how much he weights) Jonathan (easily a hundred pounds heavier than Wayne), Gary (also a first responder), (easily a hundred pounds heavier than Wayne), Donna, (easily a hundred pounds heavier than Wayne), and the other deli lady whose name I don't know, (easily a hundred pounds heavier than Wayne). Out of six of us, I was the only person approaching a reasonable size. And they all think I'm nuts. I wonder what these people will think when the food is gone, the water is gone and they are sitting in their dark, cold houses waiting on the help that will never come as my Blackwater neighbor kicks down their front door and takes what he wants (like we did in Iraq, he says). It doesn't matter whether you believe in reality or not, it will run over you nevertheless.
from SHTF:

“The Global Food Crisis You Need To Prepare For Is Now Imminent”

Grocery stores may still be stocked with food and most Americans are still able to keep their family’s fed, but with 50 million Americans requiring government assistance to do so and prices on a seemingly never ending rise, how long will it be before the situation becomes unmanageable?

Must be a bizarre existance to be so worried about the end of the world you don't really get to live while you're here. I often wonder if those people will feel cheated if the apocalypse never comes.
yep, well, some of them are plainly nuts. I think, that especially those, who are prepping for "social collapse and disorder", and doing so, they are broadcasting who they are, where to find them, and how their operations look like (more or less). That is one major flaw in their survival strategy, I'd say - to be broadcasted as ones who have food, shelter and so on.

But I for one have nothing against preparations, prudent food stocking (maybe it is because I still remember the times, when you'd buy a small truckload of potatos and have them stored in your cellar for the winter, together with jars of jams, dried wild mushrooms, farmer-boughts smoked meats, etc. Even most city blocks dwellers were doing at least some of that, when I was a kid back in Poland (and the centrally managed economy of Communist country was displaying at lengths the inability of centrally planned economy to cover even the basic needs of their citizens - if they were stupid enough, to believe in and rely on their government, and official economy)

As for the "weird existence" - well it really depends what your life goals are, and what gives you kicks. Why having a great organic garden would be considered "weird", over spending all your free time in malls - I do not know. I like both activities (though I am still pretty much hopeless at gardening :)). But if you are doing it all out of worries/anxiety - well, the problem is inside, anyway, regardless what you do, to cope with it.

I must admit, that when I first realized the perils we are facing at the moments as a civilization, it made me sick to my stomach, and for the first few days, I could barely cope with it, talk about anything else, think about anything else, and had some difficulty sleeping. Was I paranoid? I do not think so. The risks are enormous.
Interesting htread here.......Let's see......where to start?

Well, I suppose I could be called a 'doomer', what with my dystopian views and so forth, yet it is not a compulsion and it is not all encompassing to the point where it rules my life. My preparedness sort of floats in the background, sort of like a program that is running 'resident' on your computer, just quietly waiting until you need to use it so it can start up rapidly and efficiently.

There are some here who say I am a bit weird, since I do have a huge garden, chickens, a breeding pair of turkeys and two breeding pair of ducks. Not so highly advertised would be my "protection implements", stored food and other necessary items.

It would be my personal opinion that those who have no preparations are the weird ones and risk takers, since tehy will certainly be the first casualties of any disaster event. As for hte obese folks out there, I cannot imagine how they will do here in teh Florida Sun trying in vain to plant a garden to feed themselves. I believe many will simply drop dead of massive heart attacks and/or strokes. Want to see these folks first hand? simply roll on over to Wal Mart on any given Saturday, where they are parading around in all their fat glory. I'm not talking about an average "big" person, I'm talking scooter driving, push cart leaning 500 pounders, shuffling along the aisles in search of the Little Debbie cakes.
Condo-dwelling Bearings are at a disadvantage when it comes to preps, especially when the Mrs. Bearing does not want to leave the big city... So, the Bearing lays in some food supplies, a little bit of water cleaning equipment, some PMs, guns & ammo and whatever else he can think of. And is permitted to keep by The Boss.

Oh (and at the risk of irritating brother ancona with a blog pimping), and keeping a business in Peru that happens to be doing rather well. Single guys might want to take look at this as well, to get an idea of what kind of pretty women are waiting for decent gringos down there in Peru... The latest on our bearing company in down there:

Interesting htread here.......Let's see......where to start?

Well, I suppose I could be called a 'doomer', what with my dystopian views and so forth, yet it is not a compulsion and it is not all encompassing to the point where it rules my life. My preparedness sort of floats in the background, sort of like a program that is running 'resident' on your computer, just quietly waiting until you need to use it so it can start up rapidly and efficiently.

There are some here who say I am a bit weird, since I do have a huge garden, chickens, a breeding pair of turkeys and two breeding pair of ducks. Not so highly advertised would be my "protection implements", stored food and other necessary items.

It would be my personal opinion that those who have no preparations are the weird ones and risk takers, since tehy will certainly be the first casualties of any disaster event. As for hte obese folks out there, I cannot imagine how they will do here in teh Florida Sun trying in vain to plant a garden to feed themselves. I believe many will simply drop dead of massive heart attacks and/or strokes. Want to see these folks first hand? simply roll on over to Wal Mart on any given Saturday, where they are parading around in all their fat glory. I'm not talking about an average "big" person, I'm talking scooter driving, push cart leaning 500 pounders, shuffling along the aisles in search of the Little Debbie cakes.

(I may have said this before). My next door neighbors are massively obese, baby spewing collectors. (They collect children, dogs, etc. They have been nothing but trouble since they moved in, their tree fell on my house, they refused to remove it, dog came after my wife, etc.) One day the fat assed husband said, "If things get real bad, we'll just take a salt and pepper shaker over to Jay's house" (I usually have a large garden). My 17 year old said, "Bet they'll taste just like chicken..."
Condo-dwelling Bearings are at a disadvantage when it comes to preps, especially when the Mrs. Bearing does not want to leave the big city... So, the Bearing lays in some food supplies, a little bit of water cleaning equipment, some PMs, guns & ammo and whatever else he can think of. And is permitted to keep by The Boss.

Oh (and at the risk of irritating brother ancona with a blog pimping), and keeping a business in Peru that happens to be doing rather well. Single guys might want to take look at this as well, to get an idea of what kind of pretty women are waiting for decent gringos down there in Peru... The latest on our bearing company in down there:


Nice, DCRB. But most of the guys here in the small town I live in probably wouldn't be interested in those women. I imagine the women there have morals/values. :)

Editied to add, Oh I see you put "decent". Also, how do the poor, single Peruvian dudes feel about those rich gringos snatching up their beauties? When I married Bing (in Mindanao) there was a "country western" song about a guy that was in love with a gal from afar, but alas he had no money, and she went to the rich foreigner. Also a guy who was working in another country for two years and had three kids when he came home (when he left he had one). And his wife had spent all their money on shabu (crack).
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