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Cmdr. Ahmad Massoud - The Assassination that Changed the World | SRS #121

Ahmad Massoud is the Commander of the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan. Massoud is the son of the late anti-soviet and revolutionary commander, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and hails from the Province of Takhar in Northeast Afghanistan. After the assassination of his father in 2001, Ahmad and his family settled in the UK, where he completed his higher education and military training at the Sandhurst Military Academy. Ahmad received his bachelor’s degree in War Studies from Kings College London and his master’s degree in International Politics from City, University of London.

After completing his education, Ahmad returned to Afghanistan and started his political movement. Supporters of his father declared him as the successor of the late Ahmad Shah Massoud. Now, he continues to advocate for the freedom of his people, appearing in the media and garnering support from allied nations. His vision for the country is reminiscent of his father's–decentralized, multicultural, and modern. Massoud recently authored In the Name of my Father: Struggling for Freedom in Afghanistan. This memoir explores his aspirations for his nation’s future and his commitment to the values of liberty, justice, and human rights.
Some j8hadists blew his father up with a hidden camera suicide bomb during an interview. They changed interview policy after the assassination where a camera was provided.

The NRF is opposition to the Taliban and Turks don't like them either, but they are the best fighters.
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