American Reality Check

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So change the compliance rules or find ways to get the money to go where its needed.

If the problem is a lack of money and the Feds only tool is to print more of the stuff, then this has to be a fixable problem .......


from -

That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free

haha/ Nelson Muntz

Dotting the "i"s and crossing the "t"s to build the foundation for the legislative deregulation that Dimon wants.

The following headline caught my attention. The article didn't really say anything new until a comment near the end really blew my mind (emphasis mine):
So this analyst at Credit Suisse has worked for both the US Treasury and NY Fed. He was apparently an important cog in the response team the 2008 financial crisis. He just published an analysis of the repo market issue and basically confirmed most of the issues that have been posted in this thread already, but he also says:

So I've been thinking about this issue quite a bit this morning. As I understand it, the big stress point on the repo market is that banks (and more specifically JPM) can't use Treasuries to satisfy regulatory requirements for reserves. It's what's preventing JPM from participating in the repo market like they used to do. Dimon and Mnuchin talked back in late October and I suspect they will get Congress to loosen the liquidity regulations. The groundwork for that is being done right now with the Financial Stability Oversight Council's investigation in the September repo spike. But that's (Congressional action on changing liquidity regulations) not likely to happen in the next couple of weeks, so yeah, we might see some real dislocations in the markets short term. The Fed will step in if necessary. It's not going to totally break down. It's just going to shore up political support for deregulating the banks. It's not going to solve any fundamental problems. Just more can kicking until the next time IMO. But short term, there's going to be some pain in the markets (and buying opportunities for those ready and able to take advantage of it).
Wow. I expected the Fed to take drastic action, but I figured it would be reactive and not proactive. They must know just how "healthy" the banking sector really is.
Monetizing the debt...



Guarantee that you won't see any POTUS candidates talking about this on the campaign trail. I think we are in the last stages of the American Empire, but very few of my neighbors realize it. It's going to be increasingly dangerous for the world too as war and conflict are always great distractions from currency crises.
You might wonder just how much printing / support is really going on ......

You know they kinda talked about a couple of $T and it eventually became apparent it was more like $27T during the last meltdown.

Theres probably no point in speculating too much around the figures they do actually admit to, cause its all 'sterilised or very short term' apparently
yeah theres a bit of leakage showing up as stock price support but its probably incidental )-:
Ah pictures....
From Tuesday:
Opinion piece by Jim Bianco:

I don't pretend to understand the full significance of this event. But they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't feeling pressure to expand borrowing.
Perhaps its time to print that $trillion dollar note ............

you can get RSI if you spend too much time pressing Ctrl+Print
Starting around the 2:30 mark, former Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher talks about the markets being dependent upon the Fed:

Because the Secretary of the Treasury and Director of the Economic Council know best about disease control.
Oversubscribed repo madness continues...
Interesting to learn that those pesky Russians might be helping the $ downfall by letting oil prices freefall -

Not many years ago the US tried to destroy the Russian economy by ramping up ( non profitible ) production in the 'tight' deposits and it seemed as though there was an instruction to the banks to keep the loans going regardless.

Russia responded by de-dollarising, reducing its dependance on the oil economy and encouraging more in house production of goods formerly imported. This seems to have been successful as Russia now has minimal borrowings ( and a lot more gold)

Is the boot now on the other foot and its Russia's chance for payback ?

Or could there be other reasons for Russia wanting low oil prices ?
Russia might be more dependent upon oil sales than you think. They may not be willing to cut production because they need oil sales to keep the wheels turning. It's usually one of the Gulf states that are in that predicament.

Tom Luongo seems to agree with my initial thoughts -

And from Bloomberg -

But if MBS thinks he can beat Putin into submission by upping the ante, I reckon he will learn the hard way that Putin has all possible responses covered ..........
That's an interesting quote r2u. Wonder if Putin expect MbS to go scorched earth. Wonder if Putin wanted MbS to go scorched earth.

Wonder if Putin expect MbS to go scorched earth. Wonder if Putin wanted MbS to go scorched earth.

Suspect he has both options covered and will sit quietly watching as it plays out, always ready to explore any angle that will improve things for Russia long term or short.

If Saudi Arabia implodes it would seem that Russia could benefit more than USA ?

Its kinda the art of the deal at its best ..........

Wonder if Trump will be able to call Putin for a quiet chat about the situation ?
Its a fascinating situation.

The New York Federal Reserve on Thursday accepted $50 billion from $82.6 billion in bids from primary dealers at a 25-day repurchase agreement (repo) operation.

It certainly looks like liquidity issues in the (presumably US, but possibly this is a stealth bailout for a foreign agent) banking system are getting worse.
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