Amsterdam to create 'scum villages'

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I read that as well. When you live on top of one another as they do in Amsterdam, and when the apartments are significantly smaller than those we have here in the US, nuisance neighbors can create some volatile situations. I have done battle with bad neighbors more than once, so I love this idea they have for dealing with assholes and recidivist assholes: make the fuckers live together.
How much you want to bet they are going to house these people in an area where a large amount of mining used to be conducted?

The gypsy population in Europe has basically been rounded up and "placed" in old mining areas where the land is contaminated. Not just the water but the air they breathe is toxic enough to cause cancer and major birth defects. This is covert "social cleansing".
How much you want to bet they are going to house these people in an area where a large amount of mining used to be conducted? The gypsy population in Europe has basically been rounded up and "placed" in old mining areas where the land is contaminated. Not just the water but the air they breathe is toxic enough to cause cancer and major birth defects. This is covert "social cleansing".

Another interpretation might be that such locations are the only places where the locals will not kick back and object ?
I see a lot of caravan parks and traveller type sites located beside motorways and trunk roads.
I think I would prefer to be at an old mining site, getting my food and water shipped in, to continuously breathing the fumes of part burnt hydrocarbons.
Another interpretation might be that such locations are the only places where the locals will not kick back and object ?
I see a lot of caravan parks and traveller type sites located beside motorways and trunk roads.
I think I would prefer to be at an old mining site, getting my food and water shipped in, to continuously breathing the fumes of part burnt hydrocarbons.

as if the mouth=breathers I'm surrounded by would care. They think the raw mercury they are using on "gold fever" on tv is awesome.
Another interpretation might be that such locations are the only places where the locals will not kick back and object ?
I see a lot of caravan parks and traveller type sites located beside motorways and trunk roads.

Nah.. this is the way Europe has developed to kill off the gypsy population. For the general public it's :noevil:.. To the people that work in the embassies it's out in the open. They openly admit to poisoning people and their children.

I think I would prefer to be at an old mining site, getting my food and water shipped in, to continuously breathing the fumes of part burnt hydrocarbons.

I can't agree with you on that. There is a reason why mining is so expensive. The cheap ways make the land unlivable.
Awesome thread, gentlemen! Wow, living in a 20´ container..., that´s where our bearings spend part of THEIR lives, yet they come out OK...

+ bastantes!


I have seen the little gypsy caravans in Italy, yep, right there next to their autostrade (their version of the interstates in the USA). No one in Italy seems to like them (nor in Poland for that matter), but almost any non-European foreigner is unliked it Italy... They treat my wife and me just fine though, ´cause we have the money to pay for dinner and TRY to speak the language...
In a few years, when a Netherlands' Aristocrat's plane gets shot down over that area, they will have to get Snake Plisken to rescue him.

Nah.. this is the way Europe has developed to kill off the gypsy population. For the general public it's :noevil:.. To the people that work in the embassies it's out in the open. They openly admit to poisoning people and their children.

Shocking if true Derek !
How do you know this ?

And I live on an old metal mine ........... :flushed:
..well, I know it is racist and all - but if you like "the gypsies", you can have them all, in my opinion.

The reality is, when they move in to some estate, normal people start to move out. That is precisely the reason I've moved out from the last neighborhood. Not because I am racist who cannot stand another culture, but because of THINGS, that started to happen there, with the arrival of two "travellers" families (who, BTW, are targeted by brilliant government "integration" program - i.e., they are getting financial help, free housing, and all that stuff, just to agree to live somewhere amongst the rest of society. I wonder how many government officials have them on their own turf). The THINGS I mentioned, include:

  • new neighbors and their visitors, chasing each other around the estate with knives drawn,
  • their children vandalising other people cars (mine including),
  • these children parents, being challenging to me, when confronted, and saying things like ("my son didn't do this" - even if I chase the bastard off my car's roof myself, and went straight to their parents to complaint),
  • vandalising the trees, ripping of branches, and generally, being cheeky to anyone who tries to tell them off/explain how to behave
  • graffiti (and not the nicest words in them)
  • stones/eggs thrown at people houses, who dare to voice their complaints - by the same little bastards, encouraged (passively or otherwise) by their parents' inactions in my opinion, if some scumbag cannot live at peace with other people - then fuck him and fed him fish heads (thank you, brother ancona). Scumbag village is a GREAT idea, with one caveat - NO PUBLIC MONEY SPENT on these fuckers. ZERO dollars, ZERO cents per head.

They are breaking social contract - the society has NO OBLIGATIONS to them. Period.
Awesome rant Bushi.

Clearly you and Brother Ancona are at the cutting edge of an unaknowledged philosophical movement.

The most liberal minded will struggle to forgive and love the little (and not so little)bastards when its their property and space being continuously defiled .......

But does ghetto-ising the problem really address it ?
But does ghetto-ising the problem really address it ?
... Of course it does. They would be far away from me, so I wouldn't have a problem at all. And they would be free to live the life they crave for, without being disturbed by pesky picky neighbors, like myself (or other normal people). Just make sure, they are not getting any unearned public money, so there would be no incentive (nor possibility), to multiply, and no need, consequently, to support growing ghettos.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2 in my opinion, if some scumbag cannot live at peace with other people - then fuck him and fed him fish heads (thank you, brother ancona). Scumbag village is a GREAT idea, with one caveat - NO PUBLIC MONEY SPENT on these fuckers. ZERO dollars, ZERO cents per head.

We are talking apples and oranges here.

I have immediate family that work for the US Embassy in a certain eastern European country. And when I say "work for the US Embassy", I don't mean an intern or secretary.

Europeans in general absolutely hate gypsies for the reasons you gave. I don't think that's justification for intentionally kill them.
Well I don't know anything about intentionally killing them, certainly not here in Ireland, where they are rather given all kinds of freebies, like I mentioned before.

But they always have a choice - they could work, buy a house, move in and be a good neighbors - nobody would force them into ghettos, if they were owners, would they?

But in general, if there are free rider scumbags, I have no objections in putting them where they belong, instead of making nightmare for other people, ruining their neighbourhoods, destroying their property values (and properties sometimes), and additionally, terrorize them (because of course, the police is powerless against them,.to avoid being accused of racism). And certainly, if the area was good enough for miners family, it is good enough for them.

Certainly, not the prime residential lands/estates. Like I said, they can always move in somewhere, after buying a house of their dreams. But I have enough of that socialist nonsense, and enough of working my arse off to pay for the lifestyles of all kinds of parasite scumbags, from top to bottom.

Jeez, do I need to vent off recently, or what?

EDIT: BTW, I don't know why we drifted again into some murky racial territory - gypsies or not, I would treat ALL of them the same - be it my fellow Poles, Gypsies/Travellers, Turks, Pakistanians, Indians or native Irish themselves (because there's plenty of scumbag free riders in every nation mentioned, that I've seen around). So you see, I am not a racist, I am full-on libertarian - and because of that, a) I know what true Liberty means - it means NO AGGRESSION by anyone, and no negative impacts on other's liberties (which most of these scumbags do regularly), without punishment, and b) no unearned benefits, and ESPECIALLY, for cheeky bastards, who will laugh in your face, being totally nonpunishable - for all the political correctness bullshit going on. So I would just remove them ALL equally, 1st, from the society's paycheck, and 2nd, from the decent people's surroundings - if they do not appreciate,thank, and better yet, contribute thankfully, for all the things they are getting for effing FREE!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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I don't think the idea is to kill anyone, as that would be abhorrent under nearly any circumstance, I think the idea is that these individuals congregate in areas, cauzse mayhem and ruin the lives of others though their behavior. Culturally, Gypsies have been around for centuries, and initially anyway, called Romania home. They branched out all over Europe, with many of them settling in England, where they are nearly always unwelcome. It is not a matter of racism, it is a matter of lousy behavior, petty theivery, grafitti, unkempt "caravans" with trash and debris a common sight and general disruption of neighborhoods. Some of the larger congregations literally terrorize entire communities, daring them to do anything about them. Historically in England, these groups suck up tremendous amounts of "benefits" allowing them to live a work-shy life of relative ease. When one has too much idle time on their hands, nothing good will come from it.

I have seen these groups for myself, back in the early nineties when I was still a shipwright and working a transit job in Southampton. It was not pretty and these folks were not nice. They looked upon us Americans as nothing more than targets, eyeballing our tools.
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