Anonymous Chinese donations - Setting up Biden for a take down?

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THAT they were taken to his home is less important than WHY they were taken to his home.
This falls in line with what I've always thought would happen. That after his first two years, they'd start working on getting him out of office. I've got money riding on it.

I have to agree with this. I heard today that bathhouse barry's ethics adviser weighed in and threw Pedo Joe under the bus. Now, he didn't have to do that. I mean, nobody even knows who this guy is. But the fact that he took the effort to voice an opinion and it wasn't good for the Creepy Child Sniffer tells me that the swamp is going after Lunch Bucket Joe.

Is the creepy pedophile any dirtier than barry or Hillary? Probably not. But he's got that crackhead of a son who had dirty dealings with damn near everybody and he was too whacked out on drugs to do it cleanly. I mean, leaving your laptops at a repair place and forgetting to pick them up. Come on! The guy's an idiot and it has come back and bit old Sniffy on the ass.
Will you lookie here....

How in the world did the 'conspiracy known as Q' know this then???

"Hyper stupid" hehe
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