Anonymous, secure and auditable crypto voting

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Very cool idea:
Vladimir Putin just won his fifth term as Russian president, though the 87% landslide election victory has been labeled preordained, stage-managed and a farce.

Now, exiled opposition leader Mark Feygin is leading an effort to give Russians an anonymous, blockchain-powered way to register a "protest vote" against Putin.

The results of this effort would, of course, have no legal weight in Russia and would not end Putin's presidency per se, but the referendum could, in theory, give a public relations boost to efforts to oust him. And it gives Russians a way to voice criticism in a nation where the consequences of dissent can be high; opposition leader Alexei Navalny recently died while jailed in an Arctic penal colony.

The vote will be conducted on an app called Russia2024, built using Rarimo’s Freedom Tool, which will use the Arbitrum blockchain and zero-knowledge cryptography, making voters' identities untraceable.

“Dissent in Russia is growing more risky and public opinion harder to track,” Feygin said in a statement. He was exiled from Russia years ago, termed a foreign agent in 2022 and remains a wanted person in Russia. He is a former lawyer for the founders of the protest collective Pussy Riot. “It is critical that we provide reliable, surveillance-proof avenues for protest and polling. Russia2024 and its underlying technology has enabled that,” he added.

Only holders of Russian passports will be able to cast their vote. Around 34.6 million Russians have a valid passport.

Users will need to download the Russia2024 app and prove their citizenship by scanning their passports with their phones. The passports have a biometric chip that the tool uses to confirm the voter's identity and facilitate an anonymous vote. If a person doesn’t own a smartphone, a single phone can be used as a shared voting machine.

Voting will be allowed for about two weeks, and the backers behind the tool are “sure” it is a secure way to vote and that voters don't need to fear repercussions.

Arbitrium is a layer 2 blockchain that is built on Ethereum.
Freedom Tool is a Rarimo-built open-source software for citizen-run, anonymized elections and polls. It has solved the long-standing technical challenge of enabling digital identity checks while also protecting citizens from tracking. Anyone, anywhere, can use it to build voting systems outside of state apparatus. This will provide safe outlets for silenced people to express dissent and is part of a broader effort to embed privacy into the digital world.
With Freedom Tool, citizens prove their eligibility by scanning their biometric passports with their phones. Freedom Tool verifies the data on the NFC chip inside the passport and after confirming that it is legitimate issues an anonymous voting pass. The citizen then uses this pass to cast their vote.

Zero-knowledge cryptography is used to sever any link between the voting pass and the passport data so that the two cannot be paired. When the ID and the voting pass cannot be paired, neither can the citizen and their vote.

Privacy is further ensured by the fact that it is only the voting pass that interacts with any external voting apparatus. The passport data never leaves the mobile device used for scanning. This means that the data never passes through a server, and that there are no points where it could be intercepted.

Freedom Tool uses blockchain to protect votes from rigging. All votes are published directly onto the blockchain where they are both tamper-proof and publicly auditable.

A more detailed technical description can be found here in the White Paper.

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