Another day another jackass

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
Thank God it’s finally Friday!!! I made it through what I thought was going to be a never ending week, which so far has reminded me of the movie Groundhog Day. The same stupid people asking the same stupid questions, making the same stupid mistakes and requiring the same stupid bullshit that never makes any definitive improvement to any project ever in the history of our firm. We keep complying with the endless bullshit, and will comply with the newest rendition of the KNPR, OSHA, EM-385-1-1, and the other myriad alphabet soup of safety and performance requirements, all promulgated as a result of one or two idiots who did something……wait for it…….stupid. I am so completely beyond frustrated that I struggle to find the right fucking adjectives.

Just this morning, as I stepped out of my gas guzzling Titan, wearing my OSHA compliant, ANSI Z-41.1-1991 steel toed boots, donned my dark tinted ANSI Z-87.1-2010 safety glasses and plonked my Z-89.1 hardhat on my skull, I was approached by NASA safety personnel who demanded to know what I thought I was doing, and why I had chosen to park on the side of the road. I politely explained that this is where we were to have our site meeting for a project involving the removal and replacement of Transite asbestos water lines with nice new PVC pipes, and I parked exactly where the Contracting Office had previously placed four bright orange cones. I proceeded to show him the letter he sent to all those who would attend, clearly showing this to be “the spot”. After seeing what was clearly written instructions, describing the very spot we were standing on, he became even angrier than he had been. This was a young punk was clearly trying to impress the cute little intern girl accompanying him, and he got louder and louder, insisting that I get in my truck and move elsewhere or he would call “security”, have my badge “yanked” and have me thrown off base. At this point, I realized that talking to Napoleon was a waste of oxygen, so I said, “OK……go ahead and call security”. This absolutely enraged him, because not only did I not comply with his asinine request to park somewhere else, I challenged his authority and deferred to a higher one, as I could see he was not prepared to have his bluff called. He stormed over to his car, tossed his aluminum clip-board back in the front seat, then paced back and forth swearing in a low voice while watching me. I stood there with my hands in my pockets and made sure to have a little smile on my face, you know, to help build his anger some more. Well, after a minute or two, this little ass hat actually calls NASA security and says he was confronted by a belligerent contractor and doesn’t feel safe, and could they please respond.


Well, my compatriots from NASA began to arrive for the scheduled meeting, and I explained what occurred. As it turns out, Scott [my NASA CO] told me he saw the whole thing from the other side of the road. Just about then, two security vehicles approach and park alongside our vehicles, got out casually and strolled over to see what was going on. Dog boy looks back in our direction, and seeing the police on site he jogs over while pointing a finger in my direction yelling, “Officer! Officer!, That’s him!” The cop looks at me standing there all calm like, speaking to my associates and acting normal, then turns and looks at dog boy, who is practically foaming at the mouth and pacing like a caged hyena. He proceeds to regale them with a bag full of complete lies about how I screamed obscenities at him and his intern while refusing to comply with his “safety directions”. This dickhead made it sound like I actually threatened him with physical harm. They came and interviewed me and got the truth of it, then went to interview the intern. At this point, Dog Boy realized his fatal mistake, having not gotten his story straight with the little girl he was trying so hard to impress, because she told the cops the same thing I told them. This girl apparently knew the score at the Space Center because she did not stick her neck out for Dog Boy and actually defended me instead.

Long story short, Dog Boy is on a 30 day suspension [unpaid] and has been reassigned to internals, which means he has to read and approve safety plans that are submitted a hundred times a week by a hundred different contractors, but all contain essentially the same thing. It is the NASA equivalent of being assigned to write I Will Not Be a Dickhead ten thousand times.

Every time I encounter these kinds of people at NASA, it makes me sad. It saddens me because it was tax money that has paid this ignorant power hungry jackasses salary, and that even after a stunt like this, he still has a fucking job. It is beyond me why we have allowed these government employees to unionize, and essentially make it impossible to be fired. Here is a perfect example of an individual abusing his position, lying to a federal officer, and accusing me falsely just to impress some woman, yet he still has a job. Only a government worker could get away with that. And to top it off, this fucktard undoubtedly has friends, who he will make damn sure serve up some sort of retribution for years to come.

I am constantly amazed that I am not in prison for splitting open some jackasses skull in a fit of reality induced anger.
Look at it this way, at least he's not working for the DHS / TSA.
Wow, ancona, that's just a great story on so many levels.

1) PMBug is right, at least they weren't TSA (with whom my daughter just had a run in with, I'll tell that story once I have all the facts, same kind of stupid .gov types) or some such. Yes, maybe someone there at NASA may be grinding an ax waiting for their chance to shit all over you (sorry for the badly mixed metaphor there).

2) Just the whole increase in general assholery I have seen in recent years is troubling, it's apparently happening everywhere in the USA now. Methamphetamine?

3) But, you DID win! Made Dipshit Dog Boy look bad in front of the young hottie. Ha ha! THAT'S a plus! Hey, a win is a win! Go have a beer on me!

4) A friend of my brother (the rural NC guy who can fire 2000 rounds of ammo without even having to re-load, Yes!, DCFusor's only survival competition that I know of) told me that the ONLY criterion he used in voting was who would help NASA get us into space more. That's it! Space program.

5) I am about 1/3rd the way through a brand new book: American Sniper about the guy who took out 150 jihadist scum over in Iraq. (You could imagine taking Dipshit Dog Boy out at 1000 meters...) Guess what gun he likes? The .338 Lapua! A gun I have considered buying (like $6000 though). Check one company's version:

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Mr. Bearing; Start with a $600 bolt action to see if you can hit a 1000 meter target before you buy a $6000 weapon that quotes a 1500m effective range. Just saying.

On topic, Ancona, I too am amazed that you are not in prison for, "splitting open some jackasses skull in a fit of reality induced anger". :D
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I am constantly amazed with the incompetence I witness at work. You would think that NASA would be more.......discriminating......about whom they hire.
I used to bite and enter into their stupid game but now i just laugh at em

It makes em even madder and allows me even more entertainment and if they kick me off the site i consider it a bonus, cos I was only asked to go there to do something to enable the project and now clipboard boy had delayed the project.

Im no longer there ( gone to the nearest 'greasy spoon' cafe for a fry up ) and eventually some higher up manager is asking me nicely to come back and im pretending to be upset and in need of therapy / time out but might eventually condescend to return to site.

Recently happened when an ignorant and abusive piling contractor dumped a load of rebar on the only surviving survey point, after being politely asked not to.
So i said 'get the management to give me a call when its shifted' and left the site.
The call came after about 20 minutes and i said i would not work in a hostile environment and would he let me know when the abusive person was no longer on site so i could return and work in a safe environment. Took another hour ........

And everyone was 'over the top' co operative when i finally rocked up. Almost embarassing but good entertainment, apart from seeing the stress it had caused management (-:

What Im trying to say in my usual long winded way Ancona is, let it go, chill out .... nothing on the work front is important enough to get angry about.

Only took me 40 years on construction sites to work it out, too.
I agree, in that I never [usually] take the bait, but I had no choice, as I was cornered and chose to support myself instead of his inflated ego. For right or for wrong, I did what I did, am I'm not sorry for it. If he loses his job, then fuck him and feed him fish heads.
@ KMS,

Of course, good advice!

The local shooting ranges here are out to 100 yards only...

At some point (I hope this year), Mrs. Bearing and I are heading to Montana (Wyoming first as tourists) for a round of long distance shooting (and for me, a possible gun evaluation), which I have never attempted before...

Maybe a plain ol' 30-06 would be good enough, as I am NO marksman. Still, the macho-man in me would like to be able drop bad guys at a mile away...


pm me if you would like to read my blog...
If you are just starting out with your adventure into shooting/marksmanship, I highly recommend you get a bolt action .22lr rifle and practice at a local range (see if they offer any classes). You want to learn the basic skills with a caliber that isn't going to effect bad habits (like flinching). .22lr rounds are also much easier on the wallet than anything else, so it's a double bonus.

After you master shooting the .22lr at 50-100 yards, you will be ready to start exploring more powerful rifles. $.02
Agree with PMBug that mastering the .22 is essential, not to mention fun!. .22 is my favorite caliber to shoot in rifles and handguns.

I have not yet attended one, but the Appleseed Project marksmenship clinics are said to be excellent. I'll go as soon as one is held in/near my area.
A agree wholeheartedly with both of you on the .22

My first rifle was a Rossi .22 ten shot pump rifle, and I was devastating with it. I could hit a squirrel at 100 feet every single time. I handed it down to my daughter and she is just as good. I have a .22 bolt conversion for my AR-15 that allows me to shoot hundreds of rounds for a few dollars, but stay familiar with the trigger action, sights etc.

I would never counsel someone to use a .22 or a .22 Magnum for self or home defense, but it is an irreplaceable weapon in any preppers arsenal. It can take small game for food and run off varmints of many sizes with the noise and the pain of a round in the ass.

For pure unadulterated fun, there is no firearm equal for the price of the weapon and ammo.


I already have an AK-47 (7.62 x 39) and a 9mm Beretta! The AK only kicks a little bit, but you can feel it after 100 rounds.

I have shot a 30-06 before so I know what that involves... The .338 Lapua I mentioned above comes with a muzzle brake, so (they claim) the recoil is modest. I would like to try it out and see!
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