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And that's almost unbelievable (ancona being without words). I've done a pretty outstanding job side-stepping taxes by adjusting how I live, but I don't see how I get out of Obamacare, which will about 10x my medical costs...
Yes, been in the hospital twice and doctors once in the last decade or so, and those were expensive. Many years in a row (including most of the other 40 years) - nothing whatever - which brings that average way way below what's about to hit us.
Can I register as a not-human or something so this crap won't apply to me? They're not taxing my animals yet, I'm an animal after all. And often I don't honestly feel like part of the human race anyway - they all seem so slow and stupid (present company excepted of course).
...wrong ancona, they DID think it through - the ultimate question, that lies at the bottom of EVERYTHING they do (politicians), is: "will it get me re-elected?". See? They did their homework.SA,
I am beyond consolation with this mindless fucking boondoggle, dreamed up by wealthy demotards who NEVER think things through to their ultimate conclusion.
...anybody needs an answer again, why there is so many 50-men strong companies in France, and why many MANY entrepreneurs there, own couple of 50-men strong ones? I've explained it onceJust an idea, I haven't really thought about it in detail nor do I know the specifics of Obamacare: What about "downsizing" your business by disintegrating it into a number of corporations/partnerships with less employees?
unless I can actually get a waiver from personhood.....
All things being equal, we are talking about simply increasing our workforce and reducing workers to three eight hour shifts per week. With zero full-time employees, it becomes a non issue. What does become a problem is continuity within the projects themselves. We are going to do a test on a smallish project with a gross value of 90 thousand dollars, eighty percent of which is labor. We will have two teams, one will work Monday through Wednesday and the other will work Wednesday through Friday. We will presume Wednesday to be catch up and coordinate day, and see if we can come out with the same productivity with more men working less hours. Since most of my jobs fall under the fucking Davis Bacon Wage Rate Act or the Service Contract Act, wages are not affected, just the paychecks of my men on the ground.
All Obamacare did was destroy the chance of millions upon millions of Americans of ever seeing a fucking forty hour work-week ever again.
What pisses me off here is that with all their talk of being on the side of the worker and all that bullshit, the Democrats have just taken a giant fucking bite out of it and spit it in to the garbage, all so they could claim some sort of Pyhrric victory on health-care, which wasn't broken in the first damn place.
And my men? They are so fucking pissed off I can hardly even speak to them. They are nearly all of them going to complain to their congresscritter next week. I have given thirty nine people the day off to go and picket his office in Rockledge. Obama and his fucking minions are hell bent upon destroying America and all she was built on.
All Obamacare did was destroy the chance of millions upon millions of Americans of ever seeing a fucking forty hour work-week ever again.