anyone want to call the race?

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Yellow Jacket
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Huff says obama- Drudge says mitt.

The question is not who you will vote for- but who will "win".
I say Obama.
It almost looked to me that Romney wasn't really running to win. If he was indeed, his campaign was horribly managed. Alienating the Ron Paul electorate basicly ended Romney's chances anyway. Even his own company's (Bain Capital) employees have given more money to Obama than to him. The GOP establishment seems to be ok with another 4 years of Obama, because they know that 2016 would be a done deal for any Republican (even for an idiot like Jeb Bush). They don't really trust Romney anyway, because of his father and the fact that he is rich and can't be as easily intimidated as somebody like Gingrich or Santorum.
Additionally, as Ron Paul supporters have so painfully realized, getting out the vote is crucial. Obama has outraised Romney nearly 2:1. He has huge firepower in the swing states. Put the "excellent Sandy response" (US msm pundits say so) by Obama into the mix and you get the picture. The stock market and various economic figures were also clearly fudged for Obama in anticipation of the election.

In essence, I think it's 4 more years of Obama - not that it would make a big difference if Romney would win. It's basicly death by socialism (O) vs death by crony facism (R).
maybe the question should be- will it be a repeat of 2000
the only 'winners' will be those connected to the control of money.

The whole democratic process is a sham designed to distract the masses and let them think they have a say in things.

If i was going to vote in a UK election it would be for Nigel Farage's lot, who are a pretty hopeless bunch anyway.

The best vote is to vote not to allow gov into your life at every sensible opportunity.

Oh and watch out you traitorous preppers, whoever wins -

obviously this wouldnt happen here .............. (-;
It is a 50/50 chance.
Identical to flipping a coin.
It may come out heads or tails, but is still the same damn coin.
Intrade and Betfair are heavily biased towards O:


More charts here:

Contraindicator: Cramer calls a landslide for Obama

The TAXMAN is coming...Lookout America, obummer will crank out taxes big-time and keep those printing presses pumping out fiat.

Hold your PM stocks your Au & Ag and ride the bull !!
And that's almost unbelievable (ancona being without words). I've done a pretty outstanding job side-stepping taxes by adjusting how I live, but I don't see how I get out of Obamacare, which will about 10x my medical costs...

Yes, been in the hospital twice and doctors once in the last decade or so, and those were expensive. Many years in a row (including most of the other 40 years) - nothing whatever - which brings that average way way below what's about to hit us.

Can I register as a not-human or something so this crap won't apply to me? They're not taxing my animals yet, I'm an animal after all. And often I don't honestly feel like part of the human race anyway - they all seem so slow and stupid (present company excepted of course).
And that's almost unbelievable (ancona being without words). I've done a pretty outstanding job side-stepping taxes by adjusting how I live, but I don't see how I get out of Obamacare, which will about 10x my medical costs...

Yes, been in the hospital twice and doctors once in the last decade or so, and those were expensive. Many years in a row (including most of the other 40 years) - nothing whatever - which brings that average way way below what's about to hit us.

Can I register as a not-human or something so this crap won't apply to me? They're not taxing my animals yet, I'm an animal after all. And often I don't honestly feel like part of the human race anyway - they all seem so slow and stupid (present company excepted of course).

I'm sure you've intimate connections to the Obama camp which means you have the possibility to request a waiver, like those which were granted to luxury hotels, gourment restaurants and nightclubs in Nancy Pelosi's congressional district:
I can only dream of getting a waiver. I am now having to compete on smaller projects with guys who are not burdened with this onerous and massive additional cost of doing business. Our G&A will go up by around six to eight percent by early calculations, putting me out of the running for over thirty percent of the work I usually win, because smaller competitors [not better qualified mind you, just smaller] will not have the burden of compliance with this new and wonderful socialist mandate.

My firm will be measured not by how often we have large payroll, but simply if we have had payroll over the threshold for compliance anytime within the last eighteen months.

I am beyond consolation with this mindless fucking boondoggle, dreamed up by wealthy demotards who NEVER think things through to their ultimate conclusion.
Ancona, sad to hear about the unintended (?) consequences of Obamacare.

Just an idea, I haven't really thought about it in detail nor do I know the specifics of Obamacare: What about "downsizing" your business by disintegrating it into a number of corporations/partnerships with less employees? E.g., one entity for sales, another for accounting, a third for execution. As far as I understand, you have the burden to comply with because of the size of your business. So if you'd split it up into pieces, you might be able to circumvene some regulations?
SA has the plan here - you're a contractor. You use other (sub)contractors. I've done this right along, so my "company size" is always 1-2 (me and perhaps a partner). All the other guys contract from us, we find customers, do the bids and paperwork, and they do most of the work, we keep a little of the money for doing the parts we do.

Much better flexibility that way if you develop relationships with the subs so they know you're going to be calling them for work and they will be ready to do it.
(Some won't like that - but if you explain it's that or no job whatever, they tend to come around.)

Of course, that does me diddly good personally, which is what I am right now, unless I can actually get a waiver from personhood. I don't think O likes me enough for that - rather the opposite. If he gave me that kind of waiver, it'd be HE from a drone instead.
I am beyond consolation with this mindless fucking boondoggle, dreamed up by wealthy demotards who NEVER think things through to their ultimate conclusion.
...wrong ancona, they DID think it through - the ultimate question, that lies at the bottom of EVERYTHING they do (politicians), is: "will it get me re-elected?". See? They did their homework.

Just an idea, I haven't really thought about it in detail nor do I know the specifics of Obamacare: What about "downsizing" your business by disintegrating it into a number of corporations/partnerships with less employees?
...anybody needs an answer again, why there is so many 50-men strong companies in France, and why many MANY entrepreneurs there, own couple of 50-men strong ones? I've explained it once :)

Besides, that's exactly what some bigger guys are doing already, according to some reports (Mike Schedlock, mish's blog) - they are hiring part-timers, and downsizing the hours worked by the current workforce (apparently, Obamacare doesn't apply if you work less than x hours a week) - effectively, putting their full-time employees on part-time schedule.

It's just fantastic, isn't it?
unless I can actually get a waiver from personhood.....

awesome concept Fusor
Ive been trying to achieve something similar for a while. :cheers:

Think theres an outfit in Nigeria can sort some kind of certificate .......
Ancona, what's the penalty for not complying? Maybe it's cheaper than compliance. Also, a couple of states just passed amendments that reject Obamacare; you could incorporate there.
All things being equal, we are talking about simply increasing our workforce and reducing workers to three eight hour shifts per week. With zero full-time employees, it becomes a non issue. What does become a problem is continuity within the projects themselves. We are going to do a test on a smallish project with a gross value of 90 thousand dollars, eighty percent of which is labor. We will have two teams, one will work Monday through Wednesday and the other will work Wednesday through Friday. We will presume Wednesday to be catch up and coordinate day, and see if we can come out with the same productivity with more men working less hours. Since most of my jobs fall under the fucking Davis Bacon Wage Rate Act or the Service Contract Act, wages are not affected, just the paychecks of my men on the ground.

All Obamacare did was destroy the chance of millions upon millions of Americans of ever seeing a fucking forty hour work-week ever again.

What pisses me off here is that with all their talk of being on the side of the worker and all that bullshit, the Democrats have just taken a giant fucking bite out of it and spit it in to the garbage, all so they could claim some sort of Pyhrric victory on health-care, which wasn't broken in the first damn place.

And my men? They are so fucking pissed off I can hardly even speak to them. They are nearly all of them going to complain to their congresscritter next week. I have given thirty nine people the day off to go and picket his office in Rockledge. Obama and his fucking minions are hell bent upon destroying America and all she was built on.
All things being equal, we are talking about simply increasing our workforce and reducing workers to three eight hour shifts per week. With zero full-time employees, it becomes a non issue. What does become a problem is continuity within the projects themselves. We are going to do a test on a smallish project with a gross value of 90 thousand dollars, eighty percent of which is labor. We will have two teams, one will work Monday through Wednesday and the other will work Wednesday through Friday. We will presume Wednesday to be catch up and coordinate day, and see if we can come out with the same productivity with more men working less hours. Since most of my jobs fall under the fucking Davis Bacon Wage Rate Act or the Service Contract Act, wages are not affected, just the paychecks of my men on the ground.

All Obamacare did was destroy the chance of millions upon millions of Americans of ever seeing a fucking forty hour work-week ever again.

What pisses me off here is that with all their talk of being on the side of the worker and all that bullshit, the Democrats have just taken a giant fucking bite out of it and spit it in to the garbage, all so they could claim some sort of Pyhrric victory on health-care, which wasn't broken in the first damn place.

And my men? They are so fucking pissed off I can hardly even speak to them. They are nearly all of them going to complain to their congresscritter next week. I have given thirty nine people the day off to go and picket his office in Rockledge. Obama and his fucking minions are hell bent upon destroying America and all she was built on.

Perhaps this will help you:

Florida governor says no to Obamacare.

What Rick Scott says or doesn't say won't change teh federal mandate one iota. I will still have to fill out my tax forms and submit compliance data to the IRS whether or not I participate and buy insurance. By the way, the best quote I could get was a minimum premium of 2,200 dollars per employee for up to eighty employees, and additional monthly payments until I have paid the balance of 6,680 per employee, and that was with a 1,750 dollar per person-per year deductible.

That boils down to two hundred and ninety three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars for my 44 employees. This does not count me, two junior project managers, the owner, our two book keepers and our microscopist. When you add us in to the mix, the vig goes up to nearly three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the mathematically challenged, that works out to six thousand five hundred and fifty one dollars a week, or twenty six thousand two hundred and six dollars a month. As of last month, our general and administrative overhead [G&A] was twenty three thousand dollars and change per month, so as you can see, we will either have to DOUBLE our gross income while maintaining our mark-ups just to break fucking even on health care, or fold her up and take our football home.

The owner of our firm, and good friend of mine, has his entire life rolled up in to this firm. I bought a minority share a while ago, but nothing to compare with his lifetime investment of sweat, worry, 80 - 90 hour weeks for months on end, and all of that for thirty years. He is faced with the reality of either trying to sell the firm as a viable and going concern, something that looks less and less likely as time wears on, or simply closing the doors, having a fire sale on our equipment, which would bring in around a million dollars at today's depressed prices, and retiring.

My problem is that while I am almost fifty, I am not ready to retire, and probably don't have enough to do so properly even if the Old Man sold everything and gave me my cut. Could I survive? Yes, but it wouldn't be fun. I am simply too old and too stove up to start a new firm, just ask DCFusor about that part. He's been there and done that, and it 'ain't no picknick. i would porbably do some light consulting on the side, and maybe bring my GC license back from mothballs and qualify a small construction or demolition firm for a fee, but it won't be the "golden years" I have previously envisioned. To have to live on sixty or seventy a year is something I could do and live quite comfortably, but the extensive travelling I want to do is probably out of the question.

Demotards have zero concept of what this insidious law will do to the American business landscape, and they really don't want one. They thiunk they are doing some greater good, when all they are really doing is making America even less competetive than we already are. Free trade isn't. Period. Globalism is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to equalize living conditions among developed and developing countries around the world. They will be happy only when equalization is complete, and the widget that costs a dollar to produce in Malasia can be produced for that same dollar here in America. That means our standard of living will have to fall and theirs will have to rise until all wages everywhere are equal to each other. Eventueally, the wage of a laborer or factory worker in china will be 3 dollars an hour, exactly the same as it will be here in the Land of the Free. That is the ultimate goal, and don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Your Masters [the worlds elite, mega-rich] decided a long time ago that it was to be this way, and by God in Heaven it will, whether they have to kill you to make it that way or not.

How exactly in the fuck do they expect me to stay in business again? When you peel that much jack right off of the top of the pile, before I even pay the goddamn light bill for Christ sake, we're talking
All Obamacare did was destroy the chance of millions upon millions of Americans of ever seeing a fucking forty hour work-week ever again.

you called it. from the front page of Drudge today, and I'm hearing the same anecdotally at work from local employers:


'I think it's a terrible thing. It's ridiculous that the maximum hours we can give people is 28 hours a week instead of 40,' said Metz to the Huffington Post.

'It's going to force my employees to go out and get a second job.'

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