Review: Apmex

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5.00 star(s)
2 Rating - Raters
Well, placed another order as they were SUPPOSED to have free shipping still. Got charged for shipping anyway, and it's showing it's going to take a week to get here again. Not worth paying the extra price anymore IMO. I can get slow shipping, unresponsive customer service and get lied to from pretty much any site.
11C1P - Did you call them? My past experience with Apmex customer support was very good. I would be surprised if they didn't fix things to your satisfaction.
11C1P - Did you call them? My past experience with Apmex customer support was very good. I would be surprised if they didn't fix things to your satisfaction.

I don't like talking to machines, one of the things I like about email I don't have to press "1" to speak in english, then listen to options, and get put on hold yada yada yada. I emailed them and finally got a response to my question of why I was charged shipping, they said "your package will arrive today" Oh well, lots of other fish in the sea. Tried another site anyway and was quite happy with them as well, so that still leaves me with a handful of trusted sites.
I have checked out their website in the past and as Bug mentioned, they are not the best on price BUT upon further review, I have found that there are some deals to be had if you search them out.
I just completed my first order with them and so far, so good.
I will most likely order from them, again and you can rest assured that if I have a problem with them, I will post it here.
    Rating:   5.00 star(s)
  • #45
They aren't the least expensive, but they have stellar customer support and deliver what they promise. I have ordered many things from them and always had a worry free experience.
Apmex appears to be quoting the COMEX GC contract as spot (for gold) which over the last few weeks anyways, has been running ~$10/toz higher that spot futures.

For example, as of the moment I'm writing this, Goldseek/Kitco as showing spot (futures) at ~$2,045/toz and Apmex is showing gold at ~$2,057 - a $12/toz difference.


Also, it had been a while since I looked at Apmex, but thanks to @JayDubya 's alert about a deal on 1gram gold, I was noticed that they are now quoting prices for bullion in crypto at a rate just slightly higher than check/wire and well below the credit card rate.
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