are some of you trying to be pirates?

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Fly on the Wall
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OK I keep seeing posts about loosing your stacks in boating accidents and trying to use your stacks as boat ballast... the only thing I can picture is some one locking there stuff up in a box and driving around in a john boat with an eye patch and a parret ... so fill me in on the joke plz its kill in me lol
Nah, not pirates.

We spent too much on ballast and not enough on a floatable boat. Net result is too much ballast in a holey boat equals ballast lost when the boat sinks.
Arrrrrr, matey, around here there's no decent place for a boat at all. So I have a hunting accident now and then. You have to take the shiny to attract the deer, after all, and it can be hard to find if you drop it down a gully. They can't steal what they can't find.
seems like it would be easy to lose in all that snow you've got....:flail:
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