Are you driving?

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What a f'ing idiot! I did like his response though. "Uh....". Lol

The Viral Story About a Defendant Driving with a Suspended License Was Fake News​

Corey Harris' case should never have been a national news story to begin with.

A Michigan man swept the internet last week after a viral video showed him attending a court hearing via Zoom after he appeared to park his car. That quickly became a national story.

Should it have been?

The footage, which first made the rounds on social media, showed Corey Harris calling into a hearing before Judge J. Cedric Simpson of the Washtenaw County District Court. "I'm looking at his record. He doesn't have a license," Simpson says about a minute into the hearing. "He's suspended and he's just driving….I don't even know why he would do that." Harris' bond was promptly revoked and he was ordered to turn himself in to the local jail.

Neither of those repercussions would have anywhere near the lasting impact that the forthcoming news cycle did, which was deemed a significant enough event to merit coverage in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, NBC, BBC, USA Today, and the New York Post, among other outlets.

It turns out all those stories, however, were based on a falsehood. Harris' license had been reinstated years prior and was only registering as suspended due to a clerical error. As of this writing, there has been no spate of additional articles, corrections, or a reinvigorated news cycle based around this information, because the truth here doesn't lend itself to virality and engagement.



More Manipulated Nooze.

The Noble Affikan-Merrikan framed again - he dindoo nuffin.

With the eager self-loathing, racialist media liars eager to rewrite the Narrative.
I don't think skin color has anything to do with anything in this case. The video was funny and went viral. News orgs published stories to capitalize on the event. Reason is just pointing out the failure of media to actually investigate and/or follow up on the reports.

Not with the crime.


Because bwax be righteous. They dindoo nuffin.

And mediuh liars are overcome with self-loathing of their race.
Help me understand your point CJ.

Who is/are the "nooze liars"? Reason or the MSM outlets listed in the Reason report?

What is the alleged "reconstruction of facts"?
Reason even failed. His license was in fact still suspended.

In Michigan, when you finally settle a court issue that had resulted in a suspended license, the court does not reinstate your license itself.

It is up to the defendant to then go to the Sec. of State office and present the courts ruling. At that point the Sec of State then reinstates the license after checking to make sure there are no other issues (judgements in other jurisdictions) that would preclude reinstating the license.

His suspension was the result of a 12 year old issue. The judge in that case is only presiding over that issue. He has no idea if the guy might have had other cases in the meantime that could have also resulted in a suspended license.

What it comes down to, is the guy fsiled to finish the process in order to get his license back.
Steve Letho is where I got that info, and he prolly does a better job explaining the issue.

Whole vid is interesting, but the full explanation starts just after the four minute mark.

Apparently the reason it's done this way, is because there may be fees that the Sec. of States office charges for reinstating a license. Similar to how there may be court costs associated with one's appearance in court.

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Help me understand your point CJ.

Who is/are the "nooze liars"? Reason or the MSM outlets listed in the Reason report?

What is the alleged "reconstruction of facts"?
The ones who are telling us that it didn't really happen the way it plainly did.

Crafting excuses and claims, unsubstantiated.

If Reason was involved, then they're probably participating in a lie.

If the nooze propagandists claim something, and it turns out to be true, it's complete coincidence and probably an error.
MAYBE it happened that way.

I've heard "dindu nuffin" too many times, dealt with too many cretins with attitude, to readily accept such claims.
MAYBE it happened that way.

I've heard "dindu nuffin" too many times, dealt with too many cretins with attitude, to readily accept such claims.
That's not the dude's claims. It's explaining why the judge saw his license ad being suspended. Because it was. The guy didn't finish the process to get it reinstated.

In other words, it was his own fault.

Here's yet another Lehto's Law vid that further explains the situation.

Wow! This just gets better and better, with yet another big twist to this case.

Dude is getting his 15 minutes and then some. Lol

In what should be the final story on this, we now find out that the guy never had his license suspended, because to have one suspended requires that you have one to begin with.

Turns out that he has apparently never had a license to drive in Michigan, or in any other State.

That's why I wasn't so quick to take the Narrative, of a Noble (noun) being framed by Ray Cyst courts.
That's why I wasn't so quick to take the Narrative, of a Noble (noun) being framed by Ray Cyst courts.
That was never the narrative though. Reason took MSM to task for chasing viral social media for clicks/eyeballs without any due diligence or fact checking. They weren't wrong on the main point even if they themselves didn't get the story straight either.
They weren't wrong on the main point
They kinda were. Wasn't their main point that his license had been reinstated years ago?

Well that was false. It's impossible to RE-instate a license that never existed in the first place.

Which also begs the question of why even go to court to get the suspension lifted when he clearly knew he never had one to begin with?
....but it does explain why he never went to the Sec of States office to get it reinstated. He knew there was nothing to re-instate.

I'm thinkin' this guy ain't the sharpest tack in the box.
How can one suspend a license that never existed?
You can't.

The judge in the deadbeat dad case merely issued an order that his license be suspended as a civil punishment for not paying child support. and because it was not a traffic court, the judge had nothing before him when he issued that order that said whether or not the guy even had a license.
....or at least that'd be my guess as to what happened.
Nor judge, nor prosecutor.

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