ASE premium

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Yellow Jacket
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I am getting back into silver. How much over spot do ASEs go for these days? I found some locally going for $33.40 a pop, good?

i am tempted to put my remaining dry powder into silver, too.

there seems to be capitulation and much fear of a further fall in price :flail:

Just how little to keep in a CD account then ?
CD's are a theft of your money if you ask me. Silver is a safe bet.

thats what i thought when i bought about 50kg if the stuff at $40 an ounce :shrug:

like any idiot 'double or quits' gambler, im eager to try again. :paperbag:
Don't feel bad Rblong, I have been buying the whole time. From 9 dollars up to 37 dollars and back down again. My DCA is [I think.....] somewhere around 20 or so. If you bought at 40 for the first purchase, yes it stings......for now, but soon enough 40 will feel cheap, and you will wish you got more. ; - )
I went to one of my LCS today to take advantage of the savings, to my surprise he had a bunch of 2012 ASE, he wanted $36 each and $700 for a tube. I just about laughed my way out of the store... but he did have some Engelhard and JM bars for $1.50 over, so I just got those and a couple 1/10 oz AGE's.

I didn't think he corrected the price tage since the drop but when I asked him, he said it is correct.
As the price drops, the premium will rise.

It has to in order to reflect the real price of silver. Eventually the price of physical will simply decouple from the price of paper because the two have nothing whatsoever in common.
I just got another round from Tulving - spot was $2.49.

But that's a quantity buy.

Keep stacking, peeps...
Took delivery of those ASE's I purchased; sad that silver has dropped 2 additional dollars since then. :shrug:

If prices stay this low, I will hit my silver goal in only two months!
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In a few years, I doubt you will be feeling sad about the prices you paid.
I don't like paying much of a premium for Eagles, Maples or Phils because of their huge mintage. If I am gonna pay a premium it will only be for perth stuff as the mintage is limited to only 300,000 for 1 ounce coins and the designs change each year.

For the 3 I mentioned above I wouldn't pay more than $3 over spot.
I don't like paying much of a premium for Eagles, Maples or Phils because of their huge mintage. If I am gonna pay a premium it will only be for perth stuff as the mintage is limited to only 300,000 for 1 ounce coins and the designs change each year.

For the 3 I mentioned above I wouldn't pay more than $3 over spot.

I don't buy them if they are in excess of $3 over spot. Right now I am working on a monster box, but I doubt I will buy any ASEs afterwards for the very reasons you mentioned.
I just stopped by the LCS while I was running some errands, the same LCS I mentioned earlier in the thread and got a handful of ASE for $1 over each. They were random years and they are pretty beat up, but couldn't pass it up for only a buck over.
Libertads are minted in relatively low quantities and have a nice design if you are looking for less common stuff.
I just stopped by the LCS while I was running some errands, the same LCS I mentioned earlier in the thread and got a handful of ASE for $1 over each. They were random years and they are pretty beat up, but couldn't pass it up for only a buck over.

My LCS sells ASEs for spot + 6.5 and can not keep them in stock. I wish I could get a good deal from them. I have to buy from other sources.
I'm looking at Apmex right now, and while they advertise a premium as low as $2.79 per ounce, that is for buys of over a hundred ounces. Most of us here buy in lkots from between five and fifty a pop, and rarely a hundreed. The real premium for a lot of nineteen, done by credit card, is $5.26 per coin. That my friends is one hell of a premium, and it doesn't even cover shipping and insurance, which probably adds another fifty cents, making tghe premium $5.76 per ounce. Thats a giant premium by anyone's standards.
As a matter of fact, for orders between one and nineteen ounces of Apmex generic silver one ounce rounds is four freaking dollars if done with a credit card. Shipping and insurance probably bring it closer to five bucks.

This tells me that they are controlling prices with premiums. I think we are likely to see a hell of a lot more of this during the summer and going in to the heavy election season of August, September and October.
Yeah, last I checked (and it's been a while), my LCS was charging around $5 premium for ASEs (for small quantities). It worked out to be about the same as ordering over the internet (for similar sized purchases) when you factor in shipping.
So that's when 28.50 becomes 33 or 34 dollars an ounce. It's almost as bad for regular no-name gnerics.
Just worked out a deal to buy ASEs at $30.58 each! I am loving the Euro's problems causing the USD to gain temporary strength!
goldmart's ASE's have been below $31 today. They have shipping as low as 5.95 for less than $150 orders, depending how you pay.

I went to the largest LCS we have around here, and he basially said to do my large purchases elsewhere to avoid our higher taxes and premiums over other near by states. Real nice guy though, especially for the first time I have been in there. We have another LCS that prices everything pretty high and only seems interested in buying/brokering. Will be interesting to see if he makes it.
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goldmart's ASE's have been below $31 today. They have shipping as low as 5.95 for less than $150 orders, depending how you pay.

I went to the largest LCS we have around here, and he basially said to do my large purchases elsewhere to avoid our higher taxes and premiums over other near by states.

Last year, my LCS told me I would have to buy in excess of $50,000 worth of ASE before he would give me a discount. His base price was spot + $6.50. I didn't go back.
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My LCS told me I would have to buy in excess of $50,000 worth of ASE before he would give me a discount. His base price was spot + $6.50 last year. I didn't go back.


I just asked mine about about an AGE. He said anything that expensive, I would be better driving for since our sales tax (both local and state) is considerably higher than the surrounding areas. He didn't even hesitate to bring that up. I want to support local business, but it has to make sense.

I just asked mine about about an AGE. He said anything that expensive, I would be better driving for since our sales tax (both local and state) is considerably higher than the surrounding areas. He didn't even hesitate to bring that up. I want to support local business, but it has to make sense.

You have to be careful with a LCS. It really comes down to the local taxes and how much local competition the LCS has. A friend of mine from southern Alabama told me that the only two stores in the area are owned by the same person. Both stores sell their ASEs for spot + $10. I keep telling him to open up a competing store!
I consider SAE's at $30-$31 as a bargain.
My gut tells me that PM's will get knocked down but premiums & availability will get interesting.
When this ponzi charade finally collapses you'll think $30 Ag & $1600 Au was bargain basement priced.
I see physical decoupling from paper price already & it will continue.JMHO.
Congrats on a Great Deal!

You have to be careful with a LCS. It really comes down to the local taxes and how much local competition the LCS has. A friend of mine from southern Alabama told me that the only two stores in the area are owned by the same person. Both stores sell their ASEs for spot + $10. I keep telling him to open up a competing store!

Wow, I just talked to this friend again. In his area the LCS will buy back the ASE for $8 and the pawn shop will pay you $12 for an ASE. I think they need some competition!!
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