Astronauts stranded in space

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Astronauts stranded in space due to multiple issues with Boeing's Starliner — and the window for a return flight is closing​

Two NASA astronauts who rode to orbit on Boeing's Starliner are currently stranded in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) after engineers discovered numerous issues with the Boeing spacecraft. Teams on the ground are now racing to assess Starliner's status.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were originally scheduled to return to Earth on June 13 after a week on the ISS, but their stay has been extended for a second time due to the ongoing issues. The astronauts will now return home no sooner than June 26th, according to NASA.

After years of delays, Boeing's Starliner capsule successfully blasted off on its inaugural crewed flight from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 10:52 a.m. EDT on June 5. But during the 25-hour flight, engineers discovered five separate helium leaks to the spacecraft's thruster system.


Are they using one of them fancy Nintendo controllers like they had on the sub that went to visit the Titanic? Boing can't keep doors on planes in the atmosphere, I am pretty sure I don't want to be on a Boing when it leaves the atmosphere.
Somebody is trying to take Boeing down.
Did anyone test this in space and bring one back before trying this out in real time? Is there a contract that says they have to bring anyone back or did they just have to get them there.
Didn't Elon send a convertible Tesla into space? If they can find that they could ride that home. Just leave the top down on re entry in case it gets to hot. The airbags will deploy when they splash down so they should be good.

Will Astronaut's 8 Day Mission Turn into an 8 Month Mission? Starliner Answers Slowly Emerge.​


NASA LIED! NASA Finally Revealed What Exactly Happened with Boeing Starliner​


Boeing's Starliner astronauts may be stuck on ISS until next year​

I bet they are getting sick of TANG.
I talked to an astronaut that spent time on the space station. He said the mission planners at NASA had planned their entire meal schedule while they were in orbit and they were supposed to adhere to it as part of an experiment (or to measure data that controls for the diet variable). However, he said some of the MRE type meals they had were gross, so he and the other astronauts would trade their meals and he generally ate the meals he liked.
DEI hires .
I won't post it here; but someone can look for the link.

A meme about Boeing..."Planes an (expletive)." Two hard-working Boeing DEI queens, standing there, looking serious.

Behind most memes is Inconvenient Truth.

And behind the collapse of a once-great firm like Boeing...there's gonna be a lot of casualties.

Looks like we're looking at a few more.

Interesting, too, that the Department of Censorship is starting to communicate threats to Musk, just as he's about to be tapped to do a rescue with SpaceX. Is it the plan of these geniuses, to arrest him, and then seize SpaceX and force it into Boeing, as National Security? I can't wait to see how THAT works.
Obama appointed Charles Bolden chief of NASA.
According to politifact, in 2010 Bolden told Al Jazeera,
"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to
want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to
find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic
contribution to science, math and engineering."

Stranded astronauts make first public statement since being left behind on ISS​

Stranded astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams said Friday it was hard to watch their Boeing capsule return to Earth without them.

It was their first public comments since last week's return of the Boeing Starliner capsule that took them to the International Space Station in June.

They remained behind after NASA determined the problem-plagued capsule posed too much risk for them to ride back in.

"That's how it goes in this business," said Williams, adding that "you have to turn the page and look at the next opportunity."

Wilmore and Williams are now full-fledged station crew members, chipping in on routine maintenance and experiments. They, along with seven others on board, welcomed a Soyuz spacecraft carrying two Russians and an American earlier this week, temporarily raising the station population to 12, a near record.


Boeing might be taken down from the inside to give the Chinese market share. Boeing even set them up 20 years ago with a technology transfer.

The US could morph into what is now the UK over the next 50 years. It makes me want to puke.
We won't last that long.

When the dollar collapses - and it cannot BUT collapse - since so many people are living off the public teat, societal chaos is inevitable.
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