Australia votes in referendum today (14-10-2023)

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Ground Beetle
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Sonova Beach
This shithole that was once the envy of the world is today voting on whether to amend the constitution.

Quite surprisingly, the above link to the wikpedia article does a reasonable job in explaining it.

The question on the ballot is:

Ballot said:
A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.Do you approve this proposed alteration?

with the following amendment to be made to the constitution:

Due to many reasons, there is almost no support for this, foremost the legally sanctioned form of racial privilege to one ethnicity over the many others that make up Australia's population. What is even more interesting is that the majority of Aboriginal people are not in favour of this, despite the bleatings in the heavily biased media.

Fun fact, this "Voice to Parliament" push didn't actually come from Aboriginal people, this came from a thinktank.

Fun fact 2: Australia doesn't have an organic constitution, the document described as such is an act of the British parliament.
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A lot of people struggle with the guilt of knowing that their lot in life is predicated upon a history of taking advantage of other people. Nearly every first world country is guilty of this to one degree or another at some point in their history. We like to pretend that we are civilized and evolved, but it's a thin veneer. We're all savages when necessity dictates.
I agree... and would like to expand on it a bit with a firm hold on historical reality.

Whenever one civilization has met another, the stronger, more vital and organized of the two have always conquered (eventually) the weaker, less advanced ones. Always. It is simply a matter of primacy.

Take the American Indian for example. In my novel, The Cadet, the members in the colony of Nieuw Amsterdam were actually dependent upon the natives for survival. <-- TINS

Within twenty years, the natives were utterly subjugated and reduced to being dependent on the Europeans.

In 1849, it was perilous to cross the great plains in a covered wagon because of the native population. Twenty years later, the transcontinental railroad was completed and the native population was disenfranchised from their own land. The minor -- and ultimately deadly -- extremely temporary success at Little Big Horn only sealed their fate forever.

If the UFO's are not "ours"...
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