Barclays fined for manipulating LIBOR rates

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This is regulatory theater at best.

Anyone who thinks this was rogue traders is a fuckig idiot at best and a retard at worst. These guys were under orders, and if any them has a set of fucking balls, they will throw management under the bus as htey should do. The obfuscating begins. We'll see.

Umm.. I don't think anyone is going to whistleblow. You might remember the article i posted about the bank of england official that committed suicide by stabbing himself in the back numerous times..

These are the fall guys. They get paid to keep their mouths shut.
I will be very surprised should anything come of it.

is anyone else here following the story that the Aurora shooters daddy was the one who wrote the LIBOR computer algorithm?
His daddy designed the algo that calculates FICO (credit) scores. I had not heard about him having any direct involvment in LIBOR computer systems (but I'm not paying that much attention to the story admittedly).
His daddy designed the algo that calculates FICO (credit) scores. I had not heard about him having any direct involvment in LIBOR computer systems (but I'm not paying that much attention to the story admittedly).

I was following it briefly on Malthusia. They said that he designed the LIBOR algo (some link made to Reagans shooter and his daddy also) BUT one of the forum members said that when trying to research the story, every link he came up with on the internet was exactly the same story, word for word. Thats a red flag right there...

(old joke, you know how to start a fight on the internet? Type something....)
I got the same thing when the story broke. For a few hours, there were several different stories out htere, but by the next day, they were all the same story and the links to others no longer existed.

Ahhhhh.....the Google memory hole. You've gotta love it.
Barclays receives award for LIBOR manipulation:


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