Being Schooled

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Big Eyed Bug
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The video below is another interesting take on the state of and the purpose of Amerikan public schools.

There are probably lots of PMBugs that are like the guy at 7:54 in this video, and America (and the world for that matter) needs lots more.

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My parents dealed with the Swiss school system by sending me to a private school after 5th grade. They also decided to give me additional private lessons at home on subjects that were'nt taught in public (and private) schools, like money.
When I'll have kids, I'll do the same. Egalitarianism and collectivism are pure poison for kids.

Sometimes it takes a brick to the head, but this guy really did a good job of presenting to problems. It truly is quite frightening what we are facing.
It's like that video was filmed from the thoughts in my head.
My parents dealed with the Swiss school system by sending me to a private school after 5th grade. They also decided to give me additional private lessons at home on subjects that were'nt taught in public (and private) schools, like money.
When I'll have kids, I'll do the same. Egalitarianism and collectivism are pure poison for kids.

Good for you Swiss! I couldn't agree more.

My kids do attend public school, but they also have a flair of an independent spirit that I have tried to foster in them. While that independent spirit makes it more of a challenge for parenting, it will reap benefits for them as they get older.

I try to teach them NOT to rotely do what they are told without thinking first. It is completely OK with me their "disobedience" gets them into a little trouble, or if it means their lack of rote obedience means a slightly lower "grade" in Schule.

What is more valuable to me as a parent is that they can critically look at a situation, think it through, and make a wise decision. This of course is not taught in Public Schule.

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My daughter is a sophomore in private Christian school as a direct result of the publik skool system in the USA. It sucks balls. She went from a c- average to straight A's. Her last year in public school was in a class of 42 kids. There was no assistant in the room, just one burned out old broad who had grown to hate the children she was charged with teaching, so class was really just a big babysitting group. Tenure ruined our system and ranks right up there with treason in my book.

In private school, her sophomore class teacher only has sixteen students and there are two roving assistants who move between the high school level classes as needed. There are a selection of classes she can elect to attend in the summer that are actually credit courses for community college. They will prepare her for college over the course of the next two years so when she does attend, she will not be overwhelmed, and will be able to take a lighter credit load.
They're not Public Schools,they're Public Indoctrination Camps...

So true Jim! They run with it too!

My kid will never see the inside of one again. After two years of community college, she will go to Pensacola Christian College to finish her bachelors degree. If she wants to get her masters, I will pay for it only if it is something she can use. I will refuse to pay for "women's studies", "community relations" or any other manufactured, bullshit degree.
I've been doing "women studies" for a long time & I still can't understand.:shrug:

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Absdolutely frightening! This is why the movement is so large in Californica to make home schooling illegal.

I'll have to dig up more stuff some time, but the US public school system was intended to make us obedient subjects who knew just enough to follow orders but not question or disobey them. It goes back to the early 19th century, Blumenthal and Iserbyt have done some of the best work on this issue.
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We had a conversation last night about this among a small group of friends and the consensus was that the entire school system needed to be scrapped.......completely scrapped. We all thought that kids should not go to a giant windowless concrete box and be force fed revisionist history, have transgender acceptance shoved down their throats and have a homosexual agenda pounded in to their brains. Incidentally, all of us have our kids in the rapidly swelling private school population. POeople are sick and tired of the ultra liberal horseshit agendas being taught there and want something better for our children.
I was amazed at the site as well. If you are a student, and are struggling with nearly any subject, the site can and does teach you quite well.
hey ive had the khan academy in my favourites for ages

below jimi hendrix and above kid dynamite and kitco (-:

its awesome for dipping into almost any area of knowledge

just need a better memory )-:
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One of the "advantages" of public schooling is mandatory vacination!

"If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates?"

For those that homeschool, or just want to help their child out, this is an amazing tool:

Completely free
Thousands of videos
Tons of practice
Lets you track your child's progress

The math/physics/chemistry videos are great.
However: This guy is founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.
Consequently he's suporting the bailouts and teaching American history in a way most of you might not agree on.

And before you think only the political right is critical of this foundation, watch this:
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