Biden and Harris Raided Medicare to Fund Green New Deal: Premiums Are Now Set to Spike

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* I cannot vouch for the veracity of this article.

Biden and Harris Raided Medicare to Fund Green New Deal: Premiums Are Now Set to Spike​

When Democrats rammed through the Inflation Reduction Act during the days they controlled all of Washington, D.C., it ignited a chain reaction that led to higher Medicare costs for America’s senior citizens.

“Nearly two years after its passage, the IRA has diverted nearly $260 billion from the projected Medicare ‘savings’ to pay for special interest handouts like large tax credits for costly electric vehicles, enormous subsidies paid to big health insurer-PBM corporations, and funding health care programs for illegal immigrants,” Ron Fitzwater, Chief Executive Officer of the Missouri Pharmacy Association, wrote in an Op-Ed in the Missouri Times.

“The Biden-Harris administration is not protecting Medicare; they’re stealing from it,” he wrote.

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Some other analysis of the "Inflation Reduction" Act:


There needs to be a bulletin board where all this info is posted for the world to remember.
That's what the Web Archive was intended to be.

We saw what TPTB did with it, up to the (failed, for them) sElection.

No place is safe, anymoar.
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