ChatGPT: Biden campaign promises

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Please list the major campaign promises that Biden made prior to being elected President along with a note indicating whether he kept/delivered the promise or not.
Certainly! Here are some of the major campaign promises that President Biden made prior to being elected, along with notes on whether he has delivered on those promises:

1. **COVID-19 Response**
- *Promise*: Biden promised a robust plan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including measures like mask mandates, increased testing, equitable vaccine distribution, and economic relief.
- *Status*: President Biden signed multiple executive orders focusing on these goals, implemented national mask mandates for federal properties, initiated mass vaccination programs, and passed the American Rescue Plan Act to provide economic relief.

2. **Climate Change**
- *Promise*: He pledged to rejoin the Paris Agreement, invest in clean energy, and set ambitious goals to combat climate change.
- *Status*: President Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement, issued executive orders to promote clean energy initiatives, and introduced the American Jobs Plan that includes measures to address climate change.

3. **Immigration Reform**
- *Promise*: Biden vowed to reverse many of the Trump administration's immigration policies, offer a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and address the root causes of migration from Central America.
- *Status*: He took steps to reverse various Trump-era immigration policies, proposed legislation for comprehensive immigration reform, signed executive orders promoting immigrant integration, and allocated aid to address root causes in Central America.

4. **Racial Equity**
- *Promise*: Biden committed to addressing racial inequalities in areas like criminal justice reform, voting rights, housing, and healthcare.
- *Status*: President Biden signed executive orders aimed at promoting racial equity, such as ending the use of private prisons, and has spoken on the need for systemic reforms to address racial disparities.

5. **Education**
- *Promise*: He promised to increase funding for public education, address student loan debt, and expand access to early childhood education.
- *Status*: President Biden proposed the American Families Plan, which includes provisions for universal pre-K, two years of free community college, and reforms to student loan repayment.

6. **Healthcare**
- *Promise*: Biden aimed to expand the Affordable Care Act, create a public health insurance option, and reduce prescription drug prices.
- *Status*: While efforts to create a public option faced challenges, the administration has worked to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, expanded enrollment opportunities, and proposed measures to lower drug costs.

Overall, President Biden has taken significant steps toward fulfilling many of his campaign promises, although progress on some issues is ongoing and subject to legislative and other constraints.
Note the different language between never T and brandon assessments-

Signed orders
Made proposals
Allocated aid


Promise not kept
Partially kept

Perhaps asking it to frame its responses in the same way might make a difference ?

I see some chatbot users are telling it to base its response on specific documents rather than letting it loose on all the ‘controlled’ info ……
I assume the difference has to do with the date cutoff for ChatGPT's training data. It only has knowledge of events up through January 2022:

If it's short enough to copy/paste into your query, yes. Otherwise, you would need to reference/cite it by title and hope ChatGPT knows it. You could also format a question like:

<document title> says in part:
relevant text

How/What blah blah blah blah...
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