It's going to be a Fall-Of-Rome/Dark Ages scenario.
We are most ricky-tick in for tumultuous times. The present generation is in an unfortunate place; they have eaten up their own future, and they were terribly betrayed by their parent generation.
Dollars buy gas for your car. Dollars are forever. Just for poetry, when Kuwait joins BRICS, the metaphor will be complete: The (indebted) glass Dollar versus BRICKS-with-real-money.
No gas for car? Simple problem... with no solution. "I don't have a car, I'm OK." <-- People who bring everything in commerce to you have cars. And no gas. You are not "OK".
Obscenely rich autocrats living off the commoners. Making, amending, breaking their own laws as it suits them. Blatant, two-tiered justice system.
only peaceful recourse for the quintessential American is the power of their vote. They know -- whether some of the stupider ones think it is a good (temporary) idea or not -- that their vote no longer has meaning.
When the USD becomes the Bolivar, robbing banks will become a source of ridicule. Chicago and New Orleans are already past the edge. With a breakdown of effective communication, there will be chaos.
Remember: Some foolish people still think the degenerate tool of the Cabal is a good guy. But
all of us -- fools too -- will be sharply affected by the fact that Biden has depleted our critical military fuel reserves.
America will come to a halt. The only way out -- and it is getting closer to meeting the Constitutional requirement for action -- is the EO by Trump when he activated the Law Of War.
Pray folks, that enough dumb-ass Americans wake up to the obvious and support the transition. It is the only answer that covers all of the above deadly problems in front of us all.