Biden/Dems invite invasion: Gates WELDED Open!

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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"Biden And Democrats 100% Are Now Inviting Enemies To Invade. They welded the gates open, Open border"​

"This is what morons call a ‘secure border’. This is what traitors call a ‘secure border’. Remember this as each power plant is attacked, as fires are set all over America, as food processing plants are burnt to the ground. Remember this with each terror attack being planned. We are governed by enemies of the U.S."
I read this and just shrugged.

It's obvious and it has been for some time. The USA was taken over in a Color Revolution by Deep State operatives, working under the control of forces unknown, but at the behest of Davos Man.

Corn Pop is singularly useful to this task because he has NO volition and only minimal sentience. He's literally an Alzheimer's patient.

The AIM here is to destroy the nation. Open the borders for invasion; poison the food; kill the populace with lethal slow-acting poisons. Outlaw transportation and destroy money - both by currency debasement and by replacing currency with digital scrip with restrictions on it.

All this WHILE sexualizing and mentally abusing our kids with all this sodomite insanity, and the crazed fantasy that by mutilating one's private parts, one changes sex. Creating an ENTIRE GENERATION that is going to be sterile, indoctrinated, emotionally crippled, insane.

Anyone doubt my assertions? Here's the test: If you were to plan an inside destruction of the nation, what would you do differently?
I don't get the flood comment, the fence looks pretty permeable anyway, and the gates don't look like they'd impact that type of issue at all.

"Biden And Democrats 100% Are Now Inviting Enemies To Invade. They welded the gates open, Open border"​

"This is what morons call a ‘secure border’. This is what traitors call a ‘secure border’. Remember this as each power plant is attacked, as fires are set all over America, as food processing plants are burnt to the ground. Remember this with each terror attack being planned. We are governed by enemies of the U.S."

One sniper with some balls could deter peps from using those gates.
With unemployment on the rise there seems to be an opportunity to get some guys back on the job. The crap flooding across the border aren't even wanted by the $hithole countries they came from. Shoot first ask no questions.
I'm actually a little surprised that Biden hasn't scooped them all up and put them in charge of border security.
With unemployment on the rise there seems to be an opportunity to get some guys back on the job. The crap flooding across the border aren't even wanted by the $hithole countries they came from. Shoot first ask no questions.
They're wanted by the Elites and the oligarchs who own the Elites.

They're hot bodies to assign D votes to.

And the Elites are not concerned about what happens when their numbers tip us, to where WE become a schittwhole country. Because the Political Elites are all in their late-70s and older. They won't have to live with their destruction. Makes you wonder why they won't just accept defeat and retire in luxury...but, evil is seldom logical.

But for those following; for the children of the Elites and of the scions of the is not going to be fun.

It's going to be a Fall-Of-Rome/Dark Ages scenario.
It's going to be a Fall-Of-Rome/Dark Ages scenario.

We are most ricky-tick in for tumultuous times. The present generation is in an unfortunate place; they have eaten up their own future, and they were terribly betrayed by their parent generation.

Dollars buy gas for your car. Dollars are forever. Just for poetry, when Kuwait joins BRICS, the metaphor will be complete: The (indebted) glass Dollar versus BRICKS-with-real-money.

No gas for car? Simple problem... with no solution. "I don't have a car, I'm OK." <-- People who bring everything in commerce to you have cars. And no gas. You are not "OK".

Obscenely rich autocrats living off the commoners. Making, amending, breaking their own laws as it suits them. Blatant, two-tiered justice system.

The only peaceful recourse for the quintessential American is the power of their vote. They know -- whether some of the stupider ones think it is a good (temporary) idea or not -- that their vote no longer has meaning.

When the USD becomes the Bolivar, robbing banks will become a source of ridicule. Chicago and New Orleans are already past the edge. With a breakdown of effective communication, there will be chaos.

Remember: Some foolish people still think the degenerate tool of the Cabal is a good guy. But all of us -- fools too -- will be sharply affected by the fact that Biden has depleted our critical military fuel reserves.

America will come to a halt. The only way out -- and it is getting closer to meeting the Constitutional requirement for action -- is the EO by Trump when he activated the Law Of War.

Pray folks, that enough dumb-ass Americans wake up to the obvious and support the transition. It is the only answer that covers all of the above deadly problems in front of us all.
These illegal aliens serve a few purposes. Democratic votes the browning of America and once they cause enough trouble the govt has an excuse to invoke martial law. Not that this administration needs any excuse for the crap they pull.
These illegal aliens serve a few purposes. Democratic votes the browning of America and once they cause enough trouble the govt has an excuse to invoke martial law. Not that this administration needs any excuse for the crap they pull.

A stupid solution for an even more-stupid leadership class afraid of losing what they have.

It's like this. We're looking at a Hard Reset - not the Grate Reset that Davos Man honks his joint over, but a real implosion, the kind fueled by currency debasement done by stupid people who know no history.

They bring in these economically, socially useless tax consumers in, as warm bodies to vote.

As the dollar collapses and EVERYONE will be forced into work, there's gonna be NO Free Schitt for NOBODY.

These hominids ain't gonna work any better here than they did in the hellholes they left.

This is gonna be a time when we're not going to be worrying about pronouns, or about the "rights" of "immigrants." We're gonna be worrying about EATING. About staying WARM.

In this mess these scum will be spreading the same sort of filth, crime and chaos they carried where they were from.

This may have one outcome, desired of the Left...although they won't like it when it gets imposed. It may mean that (classical) Liberal government in the US, goes away. What takes its place, is anyone's guess - anything from a soft-tyranny by committee, who will order this vermin rounded up and driven into a possible racialist state. I wonder how long it will take whites to break out of indoctrination programming, once we have some low-IQ non-white entitled "person" claiming the Divine Right of Kings.

America was the first nation based on a set of ideals, not on tribal or racial identities. Apparently it will go in the records as the only one; and now we go into a Dark Ages.
You guys did not read my post.

If you did read it, you did not comprehend what was written.

BOTH of the posts above are still whinging about the terrible problems... and ignoring the posted and very frikken real solution.

You guys need guys like me in the trenches: Here they come? Good, let's take them. Goddammit, take the fukkin time to bring up the Law Of War on your very own computer.

Understand: it was LEGALLY written into our Constitution after WWII to enable the continued existence of America in the case of a desperate emergency EXACTLY like we have now.

Read the above aloud.

With that bolded above finally getting momentary attention from you, please continue and note the the first fukkin day of Trump's presidency, he turned the switch ON. The Law Of War was activated.

So instead of crying in your pillows, spread the word to others of what has to come about for YOUR salvation and the salvation of America:


You want to save your country? EXPLAIN to the unknowing what the Law Of War means (learn it yourself first!) When enough Americans support it, all your fears will evaporate. Oh, it will be tumultuous, but if you have ever been shot at -- and missed -- it is the most exhilarating feeling.
I just re-read the above and want to stress an important point: The US Military Ranks as they stand today are 100% volunteers.

While some governor appoints illegal aliens to the police force in his/her state, the sojers whose protection you now enjoy are there to serve their country. They are not hired ex-banana pickers.

So the window for the Law Of War to be effective is dependent on the makeup of our military. Forget the skirt wearing idiots -- they will be the very first to go.
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