Biden mask laying around?

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I went to their website (Crea fx) to see about these masks and it displayed the "This site use cookies. Click here to opt out".

So I did.

Then it gave me this bs.

To opt out, download and install the add-on for your web browser. The Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on is compatible with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. To work, the opt-out add-on must be able to load and run correctly in your browser. Learn more about opting out and how to properly install the browser add-on by clicking here

Wtf? They can't just not give me their f'ing cookie? I gotta install special shit just to not get it? All I wanted to do was see how much their Joetato mask costs.
I went to their website (Crea fx) to see about these masks and it displayed the "This site use cookies. Click here to opt out".

So I did.

Then it gave me this bs.

To opt out, download and install the add-on for your web browser. The Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on is compatible with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. To work, the opt-out add-on must be able to load and run correctly in your browser. Learn more about opting out and how to properly install the browser add-on by clicking here

Wtf? They can't just not give me their f'ing cookie? I gotta install special shit just to not get it? All I wanted to do was see how much their Joetato mask costs.
Install Tor browser.

Or, if you don't trust Tor (and there's good reason for not trusting it) then download a new browser - Opera or Chromium or whatever you can find that you don't use. Then go to the site using THAT.

Better yet, use an old computer, if you have one or can find one. One you don't use anymore.

There may, or may not, be factual information there. But obviously they feel the need to collect your data, maybe by infecting your OS.
To the question: I don't know if there's fake Bideni running around. I don't think these people on X and elsewhere, know, either. It's really not possible at this point to know.

Logic tells me they have doubles for unimportant vignettes, like climbing out of limos, where the double doesn't speak. I guess that doesn't include aircraft - since it's harder to stage. Fly the double who's able to climb, on Air Farce 1, and then fly the real vegetable on a cargo plane? Too risky and too many people would know.

If they HAD a working double, why not have had HIM in that debate debacle a month ago? Then, for them, none of this angst and job-insecurity would be playing out.

I don't know. It's impossible to know because we don't know who the backstage controllers are or what their endgame is.
I too think 'the Biden' died years ago. They pulled out the spare tire and it's going flat...
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