Biden's Clock Is Ticking Faster

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Please follow up with the show that has the scoop
Doesn't have to be that particular show. It is busting out all over. Let's talk to the grape, not the grapevine:

This is a pretty good starter shot, eh wot? Please file this under "Treason 101"

Then, there's this -- Good ole Hunter has been nailed with three firearms charges (there's a better US link, but this will do) File this under: "The whole fukken crime family is going under." (signed: MSM/left/cabal)

What will be interesting will be the actions of rabid Biden supporters in Congress. There are some really sensitive tits approaching the wringer...

BTW: Do a tad of Due Diligence on this one. A leftlib reporter claimed there was "no evidence" to launch an inquiry. Said reporter was publicly, humiliatingly gutted on national TV. File this under "The Press Can No Longer Cover For Biden" (goes in the same file drawer as "Secure Border") :

SUMMARY: Clearly, the entire Biden clan is being "un-personed". <-- A term coined (fittingly) in Stalin's Russia. They are no longer useful to the deep state cabal.
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Looks like TPTB don't want SloJo running in 2024 or all this wouldn't be coming out. They are hammering him now in the Main Stream media.
Looks like TPTB don't want SloJo running in 2024 or all this wouldn't be coming out. They are hammering him now in the Main Stream media.

When it comes to mediuh...there are no accidents and no activities without a plan.

That about POWER. One-party rule.

When someone threatens it, he's marked for destruction.

Someone like Trump, opposing the One-Party State.

And someone like Corn Pop...who by his dimwitted actions, shows the folly of the One-Party State.

Lenin led the Communists to total Revolutionary Victory.

And then was killed - by Stalin.

Stalin, too, normalized the One-Party Totalitarian State.

And when Stalin became dangerous to continuation of Party rule...Stalin was left to die of what malady he had, perhaps brought on by poison.

Too bad for DemocRats...that they don't know history, to learn from it.
Too bad for DemocRats...that they don't know history, to learn from it.
Clearly, they know history -- and can quote it -- but in their worldview, this time it is "different".

Using Stalinist, Chicom, Pinochet tactics just for a little while is fine, they think. It will not affect them... they are not concerned. After all, they are the ones in control.

When, not if, but when it blows:

What will all those fellators do that LIED to cover for the treasons? Think of how many they are. And how well-known. "He's literally Hitler!" Mockibird media. Fake news. All 3-letter agencies. Congress uniparty.

This will expand to the Black Christ. And beyond.
I'm leery of the whole Hunter Biden charges thing. In the first place, they're only charging him with stuff that has no connection with the "Big Guy" (10%). In the second place, out of everything the crackhead has done, these gun charges are baby shit. I'm also concerned with the wording of the charges. Apparently, they're getting him on lying on the Form 4473 for purchasing a .38 Special. Well, if you've looked at the laptop photos, he's never shown with a revolver. In one of the nude scenes with a prostitute, he is clearly seen holding what looks to be a Beretta PX4 Subcompact. So, is this a ploy to get the whole thing thrown out over a technicality?

You telling me that with more than 120 SARs reports and dozens of shell companies spread around all Biden's children and grandchildren, this is the best they could get him on? Why all the shell companies if nothing is going on. What are all the shell companies for? What, exactly, are they selling?

I think, in the end, absolutely nothing will happen to him. But time is running out for the Biden crime family. The only thing they ever had going for them was selling access and influence to Pedo Joe. And now he's a drooling, gibbering idiot who will have zero influence in a year or two. Nothing left to sell then. So they better launder as much as they can out of Ukraine while the getting is good.

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Wait, CP... That just means a second felony count for another (unregistered) pistol. <-- Moreover, the locale of that photo... NYC? DC? Shanghai? Vatican?
Nothing is going to happen to him. These are also federal charges that his dad can issue a pardon for. This is theatre. The show marches on.
He's even got his finger on the trigger. Too bad he didn't have an accidental discharge.
You make a good point - and that is why I think something WILL happen to him.

He's probably burned through that money - dope is expensive, at least the way this loser uses it. Likewise, a steady diet of call girls. How many computers, cars, apartments, has this moron "forgotten about" that we do NOT know?

Pedo Joe is dead in the head. Which makes Hunter's only salable asset, worthless. He will soon be broke, and doing something stupid with that gun or another one, and he will either be shot dead by whoever he was messing with, or be in front of cops he can NOT buy off.

He's either going to be a suicide, an overdose, or murdered in prison. Because he's fresh meat to real hard-core inmates.

He may go broke, but he is a democrat so he will never go to jail. The democrat's "justice" department will form a circle around him and protect him at all costs. He could shoot someone on the street in front of witnesses and never do any time for it. Frankly, I don't think he will go broke either. The deep state will protect him with book deals or something. Book deals appear to be their favorite way of laundering money to each other.
Nope, he ain't going to jail.

He may be suicided. He's a DemocRat; but he's only protected so long as he's useful.
no arrests yet

Ziden Joe must be a timex watch , he takes a lickin‘ and keeps on ticken’

sort of like bill and Hitlerry Klinton and a list waaaaaaaay to long to type out

oh yeah , the good guys did get Rob Blagojevich , Martha Stewart , Tony Weiner , Bernie Madoff , Jizzlane Maxwell , and Jeffery Epstein did not hang himself
Biden is done, if CNN are going after him, it is sanctioned.
True dat. I just watched a CNN segment talking about SloJoe and his lies -- with a list of them numbered and discussed. They used the word. Lies.
I respectfully disagree, brother. Your statements above were true... spot on, and provable since the FBI has had the Laptop, Weiner's nuke, and a shit-ton of other incriminating stuff.

The strings holding up the weight are popping one by one. There is no repair. As more pop, the speed of the release increases. He -- and a huge crowd -- are going to be in what will amount to a purge.

This cannot be repaired by the old methods.

Walt. They own the FBI and the CIA. Exactly who is supposed to arrest them?

They won't. Not unless it is for their survival. If they do not, they will not survive.
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