Border Security - Immigration

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Migrants Who Overpowered National Guard May Be Allowed Into US

I don't know how true the article is that's why I posted
Forget "migrants" overpowering NG troops, and check this out.

Venezuelan prison gang takes over apartments in Colorado.
...and the gov there won't do anything about it.
...and in case you can't tell, it's a true story.

Pay particular attention to the lady speaking that starts about a minute or so into the vid. If anyone needs to hear her, you do.

Trump is the only one saying he wants to fix the problem. Your Kackles wants more of them here.

If somehow she "wins", I hope every community voting for her becomes overrun with these foreign gangs. Including yours. Because the people you support are intentionally bringing those types here to prey upon our fellow Americans.
If somehow she "wins", I hope every community voting for her becomes overrun with these foreign gangs. Including yours. Because the people you support are intentionally bringing those types here to prey upon our fellow Americans.

Took me 5 minutes to stop laughing. This is hysterical.

I looked at the channel

Started laughing again.
The ones that get cars are horrible drivers.
Took me 5 minutes to stop laughing. This is hysterical.

I looked at the channel

Started laughing again.
The channel isn't the point.

The point is we got Venezuelan prison gangs taking over apartment buildings in Denver, and the so-called authorities won't do anything about it.
....but you can be sure those same authorities will still want taxes from the owners of the place. Even though they can't go near their own property unde threat of physical harm from the gang running it.

How you gonna feel when they start doin' that in your 'hood, and Kackles says she wants to bring more of them into our nation?

Get a grip..............Not happening. Just propaganda.

Gonna be alright. Trust me.

Let's do some fact checking.

From Copilot:

There have been claims that a Venezuelan gang, specifically the Tren de Aragua, has taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado. However, these claims have not been substantiated by evidence1 2. The city of Aurora is planning to shut down the apartment complex due to severe living conditions, including rat infestations and other safety violations3 1.

City officials have documented numerous unsafe living conditions and police calls to the building, but there is no confirmed link to gang activity12. The focus remains on addressing the poor living conditions and ensuring the safety of the residents34.

Learn more

See Joe, you're worried about nothing. Everything's ok.


Edit to add: A lot of this stuff is used as a talking point by people looking to scare peeps into voting for them. "Vote for me, I'll save you from the invading hordes of savages. "

Republicans flood TV with misleading ads about immigration, border​

Throughout the year, American airwaves were inundated by campaign advertising mentioning immigration, placing the issue at the center of this year’s elections.

In recent weeks, both parties have raced to be seen as tougher on border issues, with Donald Trump painting Kamala Harris as weak and Harris leaning into her prosecutorial experience.

Many of these ads, which ran from January through June, misled voters by portraying the U.S.-Mexico border as a chaotic scene overrun by violent criminals, inferring an immediate danger that does not align with reality.


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Get a grip..............Not happening. Just propaganda.
No it's not. The tenants reported the activity.

He said tenants described to him gang members breaking into vacant apartments, patrolling with assault rifles, and threatening them to pay rent to the gang members, not the owner.

There are reasons to believe that members of this gang are tied to crimes in the area,” police said. “Confirming gang affiliation is challenging because suspected members of this gang often give false identities during law enforcement contacts and typically do not admit membership to the gang.

So that's how, the city's official idiots (who stupidly welcomed these people with open arms) can say, "we see no gang activity". They brought them here and can't admit having been wrong.

"A document obtained by the Sentinel from Albuquerque Police warned police in the Denver area that the TDA gang is active and was given a “green light” by gang leaders in Venezuela to shoot local law enforcement officers."

"...police officials would not say if there is TDA gang activity or members at this complex or others nearby."

Why would they not say? Because if they say no there isn't, they know they'd be lying. So they do the famous, "we can neither confirm nor deny", bs.

Bottom line is, ALL of these 20 million that the idiot you voted for has illegally let into our nation, need to be kicked the fuck out.

Even if only a small percent are actually criminal, it's too many. They all need to go, because we don't need them here fucking up our nation.
Supporters of former President Donald Trump have reacted furiously to a recent announcement that he backs bringing 'a lot of' migrants into the country.

Trump, 78, made the remarks Thursday at a press conference in Bedminster, New Jersey, outside his Trump National Golf Club.

'Basically, we're going to drill, baby drill, get the energy prices down, almost immediately, we're going to close the border and get the bad ones out,' the Republican began. 'And we're gonna let a lot of people come in.'


US border crisis - Trump's wall, illegal migration and the election | DW Documentary​

Sep 3, 2024 #documentary #dwdocumentary #USA

More than 2.4 million people crossed the border between the US and Mexico illegally last year. In both countries, the authorities are struggling to cope with these record-breaking numbers. Illegal migration is a big issue in the US elections.

Last winter, thousands of women, men and children hoping to start a new life in the United States, were left stuck at the US-Mexico border in freezing temperatures. US authorities estimate that some two million people have been crossing the border illegally for three years in a row now. That is more than ever before. Some people are calling it an invasion and blaming Joe Biden's administration. Others say the rise in asylum seekers is due to the growing security crisis in South and Central America and elsewhere. Immigration is set to be one of the big issues in November's US elections.

The documentary accompanies migrants illegally crossing the Rio Grande, the river which forms border between Mexico and the US state of Texas, as well as the volunteers who give them food when they arrive on US soil. We also meet candidates and supporters of the Republicans and the Democrats. On the Mexican side of the border, the cartels now control the human trafficking business. The traffickers have to share their profits with local drug barons. Anyone who refuses comes to a sticky end. Mexican archivist and historian Oscar Lyman occasionally sees traffickers placing ladders up against Trump's border barrier to help migrants get over into the US. He has experienced many migration crises over the last three decades and seen their impact on campaigning. He says that there has never been so much hate directed at migrants as in the 2024 elections.

This is a link mentioned in the vid above.

Last winter, thousands of women, men and children hoping to start a new life in the United States, were left stuck at the US-Mexico border in freezing temperatures.
Better than the winter they'll get in NY.

They are starting to kick families out of shelters there and have already given others 30 day limits on staying at shelters.

So they have a situation of newly homeless foreigners, and with Winter approaching.

What do you think is gonna happen?

Does it get cold where you live? What do the homeless do?

Many of these people come from areas where they had little to no experience with Northern US type of Winter.

He says that there has never been so much hate directed at migrants as in the 2024 elections.

And rightfully so. Every last one of them should be sent back to where they came from.

There should be a program where they are offered money to go back.

Paying them the money it cost them to get here and buying them a one way ticket home, would be orders of magnitude better than the cost that their continued presence has on our nation and society.

Then we should use some of that savings to properly police the border to keep illegal crossings at zero.

Also, change the asylum laws to address the fraud currently being employed to manipulate those laws.

Need to do an investigation to determine any/all individuals in gov who may have intentionally helped these people to come here and enter our nation.
.....and if found, bring them up on charges.
Need to do an investigation to determine any/all individuals in gov who may have intentionally helped these people to come here and enter our nation.
.....and if found, bring them up on charges.
No investigation needed. All info is readily available and no one is trying to hide anything. DHS is flying them in from all over the place. (Yes another org that was supposed to keep the homeland safe and is instead infecting it.). Then numerous NGO's that are funded by the federal government and the feds also sending billions to the states that accept all these people. So much in fact that newsmen wants to give illegals 150k for down payments on homes.

In contrast, go to Mexico and overstay your visa and you go to jail. Try to be an illegal in Mexico and you go to jail. No free hotel rooms or meals or don payments on house for you.

If your an American and want to bring in a finance or spouse from a foreign country, plan on being anal probed by the government to get that permission. Miles of paperwork and in most cases 6 months to a year. Be a lot faster to drop her off in Mexico and have her walk across the border. probably get a chitload of free stuff as well. Of course she will be raped multiple times along the way but she will get here faster.
This is revealing...

Aurora Colorado Venezuelan Gang Update : It's True They Have Been Running Those Apartments​

Aurora Colorado Venezuelan Gang Update : It's True They Have Been Running Those Apartments
Get a grip..............Not happening. Just propaganda.
you're worried about nothing.

Tell that to the people who have been forced to deal with this bs for over a year now.

The only reason they are here, is due to your guy letting them into our nation.

Because he had to be opposite of orange man bad. Even if that means doing the wrong thing.
......and his supporters cheer this shit on. By "shit" I mean, their fellow Americans getting fucked over.

Trump, lying about migrants and crime, says mass deportations "will be a bloody story"​

Donald Trump is threatening that a proposed mass deportation of undocumented immigrants if he returns to power will result in blood being spilled, Reuters reported.

Speaking at a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, the Republican nominee falsely claimed that "crime is through the roof" — it is near a 50-year low following a spike when he was president — and that it will get worse. "You haven't seen the migrant crime yet," he claimed. "It started, and it's vicious, but you haven't seen the extent of it yet."

In fact, immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born US citizens, according to a study of 150 years of U.S. Census data. Cities that have seen the largest influx of migrants in recent years, including New York City and Philadelphia, have seen that influx accompanied by plummeting rates violent crime.


Aurora Colorado Venezuelan Gang Update : It's True They Have Been Running Those Apartments
Because he had to be opposite of orange man bad. Even if that means doing the wrong thing.
......and his supporters cheer this shit on. By "shit" I mean, their fellow Americans getting fucked over.

So much disinfo - so much crapola - shame we can't trust a lot of sources. Here's a recent article from The Colorado Sun.

Who do we believe?
DHS turned into the domestic CIA.
Lolz (re: rumors that Haitians in OH are eating people's pet cats):


'Islamist' Attacks Barely Get Reported by the MSM Now​

An alleged 'Islamist' attack has taken place in Essen Germany, yet our media is predictably silent about it, then the same MSM seems dumbfounded as to why Europeans keep voting right-wing. We are seemlingly ruled by people who don't understand us, don't sympathise with us and actively dislike us.

I only bused migrants to NYC because Eric Adams opened his big mouth — and lied, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says​

Published Sep. 30, 2024, 5:48 a.m. ET
AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott wasn’t going to bus migrants to New York City. And then Eric Adams opened his big mouth.

That’s how the three-term Republican describes his 2022 decision to send 119,000 migrants from the Texas border to sanctuary cities across the country — including more than 45,000 to New York alone.

In an exclusive interview with The Post, Abbott explained that at first he was only sending migrant buses to Washington, DC, to make a point about the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to crack down on the massive surge of illegal crossings — and relieve some pressure on the border towns that were being overwhelmed.

This guy does more good at the border in four minutes than our current administration has done in nearly four years.

We need people like him all along the border.
This one is a bit different. It's an opinion piece out of the high north in Europe. Goes to show you that immigration is a concern in just about every country.

This one is a bit different. It's an opinion piece out of the high north in Europe. Goes to show you that immigration is a concern in just about every country.
Yea, every country the Global (so-called) elite have been trying to f'up with their open border fake asylum seeker bs.

What good does it do bringing in many millions of people, when job creation is only about 2 million new jobs per year?
I mean, other than them learning to mooch off the system and turning into life long welfare recipients.

We don't create enough jobs for our own people, let alone an extra 20 million in the past three years after your boy Biden loosened the border to an extreme degree.

Laken Riley would still be alive if the pedophile and his cackling henchman hadn't thrown open the borders. A lot more will die at the hands of these criminals.


Misleading at best. When the DA's bought and paid for by George Soros refuse to charge people who have committed crimes and just keep releasing them back into the public, naturally the "crime statistics" go down. Doesn't mean that there is no crime. Just that nobody is getting charged with any.
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