BREAKING: Deep State Attempted To Shut Down Infowars Headquarters Last Night

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BREAKING: Deep State Attempted To Shut Down Infowars Headquarters Last Night​
June 1st 2024,

Alex Jones reveals to listeners the truth behind the Deep State coup using the bankruptcy process to shut down Infowars once and for all. Tune in now!

Feds Trying to FRAME Alex Jones and SHUT DOWn InfoWars! This is Biden America! Viva Frei Rant​


Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars​

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre.

The seismic move paves the way for a future in which Jones no longer owns Infowars, the influential conspiracy empire he founded in the late 1990s. Over the years, Jones has not only used the media company to poison the public discourse with vile lies and conspiracy theories, but also to enrich himself to the tune of millions of dollars.

Prior to Thursday, Jones had resisted converting his personal bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation. But facing mounting legal pressure, he reversed course and caved to the demands of the Sandy Hook families, who have still not seen a penny from Jones since juries in Connecticut and Texas found him liable in 2022 for defamation and emotional distress. His lawyers said in a filing that there was “no reasonable prospect for a successful reorganization” and that continuing down the path would only result in additional expenses incurred by Jones.

The legal maneuver ultimately “means [Jones’] ownership in Free Speech Systems is going to get sold,” Avi Moshenberg, an attorney who represents some of the Sandy Hook families, told CNN on Thursday night, referencing the parent company of Infowars.


They don't get it. It's not hard to start a new company. A la the guy who does the hidden cam videos.

Alex Jones’ personal assets will be sold to help pay Sandy Hook debt​

A federal judge also heard testimony Friday afternoon on the possible liquidation of the Infowars platform.

06/14/2024 04:49 PM EDT

HOUSTON — A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but was still deciding on his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

Judge Christopher Lopez approved converting Jones’ proposed personal bankruptcy reorganization to a liquidation. He was hearing testimony Friday afternoon on whether Infowars’ parent company, Texas-based Free Speech Systems, also should be liquidated.


Speech can be free, but that doesn't mean it is consequence free. If your speech damages others, they may seek redress. Running ones mouth always entails risk.

Were the courts (or specifically the judgements) fair? Maybe. Maybe not. AJ didn't really help himself win over a jury.

Kids died in CN. What Alex Jones said regarding that incident is inexcusable to me. He may do some goos in other areas but I say F him.
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Damage is poorly defined, and in the end Free Speech chilling. Exactly what they wanted.
The world has never had a shortage of loud mouths. Suing them for Billions of dollars is new.
So you think anybody can say anything with no restrictions whatsoever?
Yes, I call it Free Speech.
So the person that screams "He has a gun" in a crowded movie theatre, causing panic, and someone has a heart attack and dies. and a young child in trampled to death.

So you think the person that screamed "He has a gun", did nothing (legally) wrong and should not be held responsible?

If you knowingly tell (broadcast, publish, etc.) a lie and that lie does material damage to someone, you can be held civilly liable for those damages. You are free to say what you want, but you are not necessarily free from the consequences your speech causes.
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