BREAKING: Undercover cop caught Jan 6, cutting Restricted Area fencing.

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure it's not trespassing if it was not clearly signed. Of course, that's if you could find a not bought and paid for judge, which is impossible because ALL of them are paid by the government.
I'm pretty sure it's not trespassing if it was not clearly signed.
And if it's not signed as no trespassing, they have to give you an opportunity to leave. Only if you don't leave at that point, does trespassing become a crime.
....but if it is signed, then you can be arrested on the spot.
....and no, they don't have to prove that you saw the sign and entered anyways. There's a certain threshold for the number of signs and their spacing. As long as that requirement is met, they can immediately arrest you then, too.
They'll lock you up for whatever reason they want to make up and you no longer have a right to a speedy trial. Starting to suck living in this country problem is everywhere else might be even worse. They experimented with freedom I guess they didn't like it so much.
They'll lock you up for whatever reason they want to make up and you no longer have a right to a speedy trial.
That only works until it doesn't.

Historically: The haughty inbreds playing with all French citizens' lives while living in serene majesty and luxury...

...Wound up on carts pulled through the streets while shit was thrown at them. Until they were beheaded.

I say bring it.
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