Budweiser Forced To Sell Off Their Brands

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What I don't unnerstan is if BUD is hurting so bad... why does their chart still show they're in the upward channel?

It has to crack $55 and continue falling to really be detrimental to share price.

What I don't unnerstan is if BUD is hurting so bad... why does their chart still show they're in the upward channel?

It has to crack $55 and continue falling to really be detrimental to share price.

View attachment 9735
Why? Don't Fight the Fed.

Quantitative Re-Easing is just around the corner. Or, so assert the Fed-worshippers, who hope for ZIRP and QE and Free Money for the Banksters to buy-buy-BUY!

Pour that money into the index stocks.

And if they're correct...and who knows, because neither tightening nor easing will save us, after wholesale currency debasement...if they're right, the Dow will EXPLODE.

Actual value won't matter much. This is how money is made in the Age of Financialization.
It would have been more amusing if they had to sell off the Budweiser brand.

Maybe to a transvestite clothing company, who knows? See if there's enough q____s and cut-and-paste types, to keep a beer brand afloat, albeit on a smaller scale.

And the Clydesdales? Sell them to be processed into a Klaus-Schwab-Approved stew. Budweiser-brand stroganoff.
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