Chase Bank building in Youngstown explodes

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Seven people are injured after an explosion occured Tuesday at a Chase bank branch in Youngstown, Ohio, local officials said.

One of those injured is in critical condition, officials said. The victims have been sent to Mercy Heath hospital.

The Youngstown Police Department has urged the public to avoid the area.

First responders were on the scene minutes after an explosion that blew out the ground floor of an apartment building in Youngstown, Ohio on Tuesday. One person was dead and several others were injured. Read more:

A paradigm of Chase being Chase.

They don't belong in Ohio. They're a Gnu Yark bank; they belong in that Woketard insanity.

They got in Ohio by buying up my bank at the time, Bank One, based out of Columbus. The two things Chase does best, is, manipulate markets, and consolidate their power by buying competitors or into different regions.
Someone used too much C4 to blow the vault???
Silly fool. Who needs paper?

Just get connected to The Party, and stand by while they flood your accounts with electronic fiat! What you sell doesn't matter - not even if it's real. People get paid for pushing poison not-vaxxes; people get paid for burning down chicken plants; people get paid for planting nothing on land they borrowed money to buy.

It's a lot easier than riding out that mess.
Video from inside the building on the 12th floor in this news clip.

The force of the explosion that we see in the other vid, also went up the stairwells and elevator shafts.

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