China Goes Gold Crazy

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So if the Chinese have been using their gold to create multiple loans, what effect will it have if / when this scam unwinds ?

from -
While not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, I do have an opinion for what it's worth. I believe the tip of the iceberg has been spotted by the Chinese as regards hypothecated/re-hypothecated/re-re-hypothecated hard assets. I would hazard a guess and say it's off to the races by every financial interest with this type of paper. Were I to loan money based upon ownership of some copper or something, I would want that copper in my own facility under the watchful eye of myself or trusted partner/employees. That said, a lot of dodgy shit has been going on in China for a long time now, and I firmly believe that the largest portion of their private wealth is built on a foundation of marshmallows and will topple at some point soon. Folks over there are not big on getting ripped off, so I think once the contagion spreads, if the government does not step in to stop it, there will be all out panic just like we had here. Only this time, it will be on a scale that China will be hard pressed to do anything about.
We all know that China's "officially reported" gold reserves of about 1000 tonnes is a farce.

Here is a more realistic recent estimate from Koos Jansen:

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