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The European Union (EU) has thrown its support behind Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ radical plans “fight global warming” by blocking light from the Sun to lower the temperature on Earth.
The EU will join an international globalist effort to examine the effectiveness of the plan.
... the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, together with the Monetary Authority of Singapore, launched Project Viridis to explore the development of a climate risk platform that could help central banks and authorities identify and assess material climate-related financial risks. ...
In line with national commitments made under the Paris Agreement to move towards net zero carbon emissions, transitioning to a low-carbon economy could also result in financial risks (Box 2). These risks potentially arise from changes in climate-related policies, technology and consumer sentiment as economies work towards reducing their reliance on certain carbon-intensive industries. Containing global temperature rises to well below 2°C, for example, would require the world's economies to refrain from using and extracting a large proportion of existing fossil fuel reserves. This would mean that fossil fuel infrastructure and assets (such as power plants, pipelines and downstream refineries could no longer be used and may become a liability even though they are still economically productive. They would become what is often referred to as stranded assets. 6 The process of proactively reducing carbon emissions through new regulations such as carbon pricing or support for renewable energy could therefore disrupt different sectors of the economy, particularly if this happens too quickly or without adequate contingency plans.7
From the "you ain't gonna believe this crazy shit file"..........a tax on cow breath. What mentally incapacitated loon would come up with something like this? ...
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist if you wanted a one world gov.............They want to cripple the beef industry.
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