Climate Change Innovations, Legislation, Etc. (zero emissions, geoengineering, carbon tax, etc.)

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The US government opens up more federal lands for solar – to 31 million acres​

More federal lands for solar​

The proposed updated Western Solar Plan is a roadmap for Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) governance of solar energy proposals and projects on public lands.

It bumps up the acreage from the 22 million acres it recommended in January, and this plan adds five additional states – Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming – to the six states – Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah – analyzed in the original plan.


Bureau of Land Management releases proposed Western Solar Plan

EU allows member states to boost farmer payments after protests​

BRUSSELS, Sept 13 (Reuters) - European Union member states can increase the funds they pay to farmers, the European Commission said on Friday, after protests by farmers earlier in the year forced policymakers to scale back climate rules.

The Commission said it would allow EU member states to pay higher advances of Common Agriculture Policy funds to farmers, which would allow them to receive up to 70% of direct payments in advance starting in October, and up to 85% in advance payments for area and animal-based interventions under rural development.


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