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USDA lowers fed cattle prices by $1, hog prices by $4 | Weekly Livestock Market Update for 10/13/23​

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Why The U.S. Is Now Obsessed With Soybeans​


Soybeans have become a cornerstone of American agriculture, contributing $124 billion to the U.S. economy in 2022. The legume is hailed as a versatile crop used in food, fuel and animal feed worldwide. It was a niche commodity in the 1960s before the U.S. became the top global producer. However, the U.S. has since lost its dominance, in part, thanks to its reliance on a single export market — China. Brazil has rapidly become the world’s largest producer and exporter of soybeans, supplying China with enough soy to meet its demand. The competition has pushed the American market to explore alternative uses for soy from biofuel to bioplastics. Here’s how the U.S. became a soybean stronghold before falling second to Brazil’s supply, the influence of China’s demand and how soy production ultimately feeds and fuels the world economy.


Weekly Commodity Market Update: Global stocks adjustments open U.S. export opportunity​

Oct 17, 2023

Scrap Metal Report: Rise & Fall Amid Global Conflicts | Weekly Update​

October 18, 2023


Check Scrap Prices: https://iScrapApp.com/ - In this week's Scrap Metal Weekly Report, we dive deep into the current trends affecting both the non-ferrous and ferrous markets. With global conflicts influencing commodities, discover how you can adjust your scrap metal strategies to maximize profits. From the rare bright spots in catalytic converters to the bleak outlook for steel, get all the insights you need.

Read more: https://iscrapapp.com/blog/weekly-scr...



Cattle on Feed placements 106.1% of year-ago levels: Weekly Livestock Market Update for 10/20/23​

DYODD................best to watch on youtube as you can click on to the different chapters to listen to what you want to hear. Nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.

Doug Casey's Take [ep.#285] "How Bad Will it Get?"​

Oct 21, 2023

This one is a look back in time.

Warren Buffett Second "Adam Smith's Money World" Interview​

Sep 27, 2023
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