Congress critters breaking bad

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I'll give Sen. Fetterman this - he's got a wicked sense of humor.
Might need to rename this thread "Congress Critters Breaking Bad"
Looks like George may actually be nuts.

Here's a morning laugh.

WASHINGTON — A New York man who is running for the congressional seat previously held by George Santos was convicted this week of charges relating to the Jan. 6 riot after he testified at his trial that he didn't know Congress convened inside the Capitol.

Idiocracy in motion.
Johnson is in it for the doe ray me, this cat thinks he's on a divine mission. Funny read, cannot verify.

Mike Johnson likens himself to Moses telling Christian nationalists God charted his path to speaker​

Mike Johnson, delivering the keynote address to a far-right Christian nationalist group Tuesday, likened himself to Moses and declared God had charted his path to become the Republican Speaker of the House, after telling him in his prayers to prepare.

Speaker Johnson, a Christian nationalist who falsely claims the Constitution’s separation of church and state is a “misnomer” and has declared the United States is not democracy but a “biblical” republic, is an attorney who once worked for a far-right organization that has since been designated an anti-LGBTQ extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Johnson was the lead sponsor last year of a federal “Don’t Say Gay” bill and has bragged that he and his teenaged son are accountability partners in a no-porn pledge that includes installation of monitoring software on all their devices.

“I’ll tell you a secret since the media is not here,” Speaker Johnson said at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) Gala (video below), where he was honored with their American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage, as Right Wing Watch reported.

“Thank you for not allowing the media in, I’ll tell you a secret because they wanted to come because they wanted to, you know, take my comments out of context as they’ve been doing with with great joy for the last few weeks,” Johnson charged, not specifying which of his remarks he believes have been taken out of context.

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1). It is a little weird that he would say God had charted his path to become the Republican Speaker of the House, after telling him in his prayers to prepare.

But no more weird than the vast majority of Democrats who wholeheartedly believe that killing babies is just fine. Almost as if Satan guided their path.

2). Speaker Johnson, ""declared the United States is not a democracy but a "biblical" republic...""

Well, we ARE NOT a democracy we ARE a republic. And that republic was based on string Christian beliefs, so he's absolutely spot on with this assessment.

3). He "once worked for a far-right organization that has since been designated an anti-LGBTQ extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center."

Would that be the same Southern Poverty Law Center that our own government has labeled as "discredited"?
Yes, yes it would be.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been criticized for being "extreme" and "thoroughly disgraced"1. The FBI has stopped using SPLC's data to chronicle hate crimes because they are "discredited" and have "no reliable source of information"2. The SPLC dismissed its co-founder and its president has resigned amidst numerous claims of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism within the organization3.
I'll push back on the "biblical" part but it doesn't make much difference. Most of the Founding Fathers were not Christians but more Deists.

The House's punishment factory is working overtime​

The holidays are approaching, but Congress isn't sending good tidings: Fresh off censuring Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), House Republicans are set to vote next week on formalizing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Why it matters: Personal animus has defined the first year of the House GOP's majority, with rank-and-file lawmakers forcing votes on censures, impeachment and a historic expulsion — often without the support of leadership.

Driving the news: The House voted 214-191 on Thursday to censure Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) for pulling a Capitol Hill fire alarm ahead of a vote in September to head off a government shutdown.

  • Just three Democrats joined Republicans in voting for censure, making it essentially a partisan maneuver.
  • Bowman is the third lawmaker to face the symbolic rebuke this year: Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was censured last month for her criticism of Israel and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was censured in June for his promotion of Trump-Russia allegations.



US Congress' wild 2023: McCarthy and Santos ousted; flirtation with economic disaster​

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There was plenty of sound and fury this year in the U.S. Congress, but scant legislating amid Republican infighting in the House of Representatives, leaving little time for pressing matters such as funding the government and continuing to aid Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Congress will return for its 2024 legislative session on Jan. 8. Lawmakers will be confronted with Jan. 19 and Feb. 2 deadlines for settling government spending through September. They also hope to pass emergency aid for Ukraine and Israel, possibly with unrelated U.S. border security provisions attached.

Failure to approve the one-dozen fiscal 2024 spending bills would plunge Washington agencies into shutdown mode.

Read it all:

From the link:

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has a message for New York state lawmakers: Don't mess with God's chicken.

The Republican took his defense of Chick-fil-A on the road this week, issuing a fresh warning during a trip to the Big Apple over a New York bill that would force some of the franchise's locations to open on Sundays.


This is a goodie. lol

A $174,000 salary isn't enough for members of Congress. In fact, they should probably give themselves a $100,000 raise.​

  • With a salary of $174,000 per year, members of Congress make more than 80% of American households.
  • But that's still not enough, given the demands of the job and the fact that already-wealthy people have an easier time with them.
  • Congress should consider giving itself a $100,000 raise.
Congress hasn't exactly been doing its best as of late.

It's historically unproductive and chaotic, and those of us who cover the institution end up writing more about bills that won't pass or needless drama than how our representatives are delivering for us.


They can't seem to agree on anything else, but I'll bet they get bipartisan support for that.
They can't seem to agree on anything else, but I'll bet they get bipartisan support for that.
Amazing how the Party Of The Working Man ( will tell its propaganda outlets to SELL that pay raise to the sheeple.

The LEAST they could do is shrug and put up token resistance...pretending they don't think it's appropriate...

Mike Johnson Gathers Far-Right Christians to Cast Out Demons​

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and two dozen members of Congress assembled at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., last week for the second-annual National Gathering of Prayer and Repentance. The event was chock-a-block with Christian nationalist pastors and featured a clarion call for spiritual warfare, with members of Congress beseeching fellow Christians to "tie the hands of Satan" and to "bind the demonic forces" that are supposedly possessing America.

The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance is the brainchild of Johnson, a religious zealot who is third in line for the presidency and who, as Rolling Stone has reported, is convinced that America is "dark and depraved" and deserves God's wrath. The gathering is staged as a far-right counterweight to the National Prayer Breakfast, a longstanding ecumenical religious event, which was also held in Washington last week. That gathering was attended by President Joe Biden, who offered a bland prayer that America should remember its character of "honesty, decency, dignity, and respect," and find strength in togetherness.


President Joe Biden, who offered a bland prayer that America should remember its character of "honesty, decency, dignity, and respect," and find strength in togetherness.


[ prair ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: prayerprayers on

  1. a devout petition to God or an object of worship.
  2. a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.

    Old pudding head, the example of "honesty, decency, dignity, and respect".

The critters just took a vote on whether to impeach Mayorkas. It failed. Will there be a 2nd attempt?
Getting ready to impeach Mayorkas again.
It is a little weird that he would say God had charted his path to become the Republican Speaker of the House, after telling him in his prayers to prepare.
Consider the source.

If the political propagandists say something or quote someone, and it's true and accurate, it's a complete coincidence and probably a mistake.
Getting ready to impeach Mayorkas again.

Republicans impeach Alejandro Mayorkas over the border after failing to last week​

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Tuesday night muscled through a vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the border, exactly one week after their first attempt to impeach him collapsed spectacularly on the floor.

The vote was 214-213, with three Republicans again opposing the impeachment. Mayorkas is just the second Cabinet secretary in U.S. history to be impeached — and the first in nearly 150 years.


Gaetz goes berserk in rant against the chair of the House Ethics Committee​

It looks like Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is facing a House Ethics Committee probe into allegations that he paid a 17-year-old to have sex with him, is adopting a rather Trumpian strategy of attacking the people investigating him.

A federal sex trafficking probe by the Justice Department concluded a year ago without any charges for the Florida Republican, though former Gaetz associate Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to six charges, including sex trafficking of a minor, and is serving an 11-year prison term. But the House Ethics Committee is still investigating the matter and has subpoenaed one of Gaetz’s ex-girlfriends to testify Thursday.

Gaetz has denied doing anything wrong, and he reportedly has blamed former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy — his political nemesis these days — for allowing the Ethics Committee’s investigation to go forward.

And now he’s training his ire on another fellow Republican.

More laughs:

Family affair...........

Boebert's Son Had A Sex Tape And Robbed A Woman With A Brain Tumor Say Police​

Mar 2, 2024

More information has come out from police in Colorado about the crimes allegedly committed by Lauren Boebert's son, Tyler, and things just keep getting worse. In addition to police saying that Tyler was running a crime ring with 3 other people, they also said that he robbed a woman with a brain tumor and made a sex tape with a minor. At this point, Lauren needs to bow out of the race and focus on what's important in life, as Farron Cousins explains.


For those who enjoy reading:

Jim Jordan Vows To Get To The Bottom Of ‘Woke’ Google AI That Brought The World ‘Black George Washington’​

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has taken a break from investigating Hunter Biden to get to the bottom of just who is behind Google’s “woke” Gemini AI program that created the “Black George Washington” that went viral on social media.

Gemini caused a stir when it used prompts to start creating “historically inaccurate” images in the name of diversity, including female popes, Black vikings, and Native American founding fathers. Now, Google says it’s pausing the rollout of Gemini’s “image generation tool” to work on its algorithms.

That’s not good enough for Jordan, however, who is accusing the Biden administration of “influencing” the “wokeness” displayed by Gemini.

The New York Post reported:




There is a flood in Peru. Trump!! That bastid. The cotton crop is poor. TRUMP!!

A filthy lawbreaker fucks up CONGRESS by pulling a fire alarm.

Somehow, in the process of letting the Dem go completely scot-free, these sources missed a chance to blame his despicable -- and unique in history act -- on Trump.
Like Joe needed to bow out of the race to sort his son out? Like that?


Mar 7, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Democrats in Congress exposing the lies of the GOP in recent hearings and interviews.


Republicans find alternative to impeaching Biden in Robert Hur's testimony​

As their hopes for a vote to impeach President Biden fade, House Republicans are looking at upcoming testimony from Biden special counsel Robert Hur as a consolation prize.

Why it matters: Details from Hur's report about Biden's memory lapses are set to play a key role stage in the Tuesday Judiciary Committee hearing as Republicans look to damage Biden ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Seems like the Congress critters aren't too thrilled with their pay. They want more money for screwing us every which way but loose. Get a load of this now they're going to sue for it.

Former Trump official files class-action lawsuit seeking $50 million for lawmakers who say they haven't been paid enough​

  • Current and former lawmakers filed a class-action lawsuit seeking $50 million from the government.
  • They argue their salaries, stuck at $174,000 since 2009, have been "unconstitutionally suppressed."
  • The suit's being led by Ken Cuccinelli, an ex-Trump official who doesn't care how unpopular this is.
You may have heard that some lawmakers think the $174,000 annual salary for rank-and-file House and Senate members is too low.

According to a new class-action lawsuit, it's gotten to that point in part because lawmakers' wages have been "unconstitutionally suppressed" — and current and former lawmakers may be collectively entitled to $50 million in damages as a result.

"This is a vindication of the Constitution and the principles the founders were trying to achieve," Ken Cuccinelli, the lawyer and former Trump White House official leading the suit, told Business Insider in an interview.

Cuccinelli's lawsuit, first reported by POLITICO, was filed last week on behalf of Republican Rep. Rick Crawford of Arkansas and a trio of ex-lawmakers from both parties — and it hinges primarily on the 27th Amendment to the US Constitution:


Read the lawsuit here:

Damn the torpedoes man full speed ahead.

As Biden impeachment stalls, House GOP turns to backup plans​

While Republicans have considered other paths to antagonize the White House for months, those plans have taken on fresh importance as a vote to impeach seems doomed.

House Republicans are increasingly acknowledging that they don’t have the votes to impeach President Joe Biden, leaving them in search of other ways to antagonize the White House.

While some Republicans insist they could still take up formal articles of impeachment, they’re not close to the near-unanimous support to recommend booting him from office. And no bombshell moment emerged out of Tuesday’s high-profile hearing with former Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Hur, though Hur’s testimony managed to cast Biden in a negative light by exploring his mishandling of classified documents.



House GOP says when it will send Mayorkas impeachment articles to Senate​

House Republicans will send their articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate early next month — paving the way for a long-coming showdown in the upper chamber.

Speaker Mike Johnson and the 11 Republican impeachment managers said in a Thursday letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that they will present the articles to the Senate on April 10, shortly after Congress returns from its current two-week break. In the letter, they also urged him to “expeditiously” schedule a trial.



US Senate expected to swiftly end Mayorkas impeachment​

WASHINGTON, April 17 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday is expected to make clear his plan to bury without a trial the Republican House of Representatives' impeachment of President Joe Biden's top border official.

The House on Tuesday delivered two articles of impeachment charging Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with failing to enforce U.S. border laws and lying to Congress amid high levels of illegal immigration.



The Strange Irony Of Corrupt Politicians, Cash & Gold​

May 13, 2024
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